ZennoPoster Chrome Changelog

ZennoPoster Chrome Changelog

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Chrome: working with an instance

Getting the active tab ;

Getting the Address value for the instance ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow browser notifications ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow pop-ups ;

Get all open tabs ;

Getting or setting information about the operating mode of the audio context ;

Get or set the initial value for emulating audio context ;

Getting the AudioPreferences object that allows you to edit the sound settings ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow background sounds ;

Getting the browser type ;

Get or set information about the canvas rendering mode ;

Get or set the initial value for the Canvas emulation ;

Get or set the initial value for emulating ClientRect ;

Get or set information about the ClientRect operating mode ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow loading of ActiveX controls ;

Get or set a value indicating whether to allow loading frames ;

Getting or setting the download path ;

Getting or setting the current emulation level ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Getting or setting the delay for emulating field input ;

Getting the title of the parent form ;

Getting or setting information about ignoring additional requests ;

Get or set information about ignoring AJAX requests ;

Get or set information about ignoring Flash requests ;

Get or set information about ignoring frame requests ;

Retrieving information indicating whether the instance has been initialized ;

Getting the path of the last loaded file ;

Receive the latest browser text notification ;

Get the title of the last browser notification ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow image uploads ;

Getting the first tab. Вкладки, находящейся первой в списке всех вкладок;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow running ActiveX controls ;

Getting the screen resolution ;

Getting or setting the delay for emulating character input ;

Getting or setting information about the operating mode of the time zone ;

Get or set information about the possibility of changing the URL ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether CSS is allowed (loading styles) ;

Get or set a value indicating whether geolocation is allowed ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Java applets are allowed to run ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether JavaScript is allowed ;

Get or set a value that indicates whether the use of media content is allowed ;

Gets or sets a value indicating whether plugins are allowed to run ;

Get or set a value that indicates whether to use detailed traffic monitoring ;

Getting or setting information about the WebRTC operating mode. Свойство нуждается в выделенном процессе, потому что применяется ко всем инстансам;

Obtaining an internal instance ID ;

Getting information about the instance waiting for user action ;

Replacing browser request data ;

Replacing browser response data ;

Clearing the cache ;

Clearing cookies ;

Removing a proxy from an instance ;

Emulation of a mouse click on a specified area ;

Closing all tabs ;

Execution of the specified JavaScript code (WSH objects are supported) ;

Get the browser's content policy mode. Он может иметь значение «DirectLoad», «WhiteList», «BlockList»;

Getting a list of domains for the "WhiteList" or "BlockList" policy ;

Getting a list of regular expressions for the "WhiteList" or "BlockList" policy ;

Receiving a cookie ;

Getting a list of installed fonts ;

Getting the time zone (IANA region) ;

Getting geo-position coordinates ;

Getting a list of installed plugins ;

Obtaining a proxy instance ;

Getting a super cookie ;

Getting a tab by name ;

Getting the value of the action in the template for the specified step ;

Getting the time zone (UTC) ;

Obtaining IP addresses of WebRTC. The return value will be empty when WebRTC operating mode is disabled and "default" when enabled. При эмулировании рабочего режима WebRTC возвращается значение заданное пользователем, либо пустые строки, если пользователь значение не установил;

Getting a list of current WebRTC devices ;

Hiding the font. Метод нуждается в выделенном процессе, потому что применяется ко всем инстансам;

Hiding the field in the navigator ;

Hide plugins ;

Getting a WebGLPreferences object to edit WebGL preferences ;

Hide a WebRTC device. Эмуляция устройства работает только в случае, если для WebRTCWorkMode установлено значение Emulate;

Change the browser type to the required one. Метод работает только в ProjectMaker и ZennoPoster;

Loading cookie ;

Loading fonts. Метод нуждается в выделенном процессе, потому что применяется ко всем инстансам;

Loading localstorage and sessionstorage ;

Loading plugins ;

Loading super cookie ;

Loading WebRTC devices ;

New tab creation ;

Updating the last wait time between inputs to the page fields ;

Reboot the current instance. Метод работает только в ProjectMaker и ZennoPoster;

Saving cookies ;

Saving fonts. Метод нуждается в выделенном процессе, потому что применяется ко всем инстансам;

Saving localstorage and sessionstorage ;

Saving plugins ;

Saving super cookie ;

Saving WebRTC devices ;

Emulation of text input from the keyboard ;

Setting policy for authorization windows ;

Setting a policy for downloading browser content ;

Setting a cookie ;

Setting all default settings ;

Setting file paths for uploading to the server ;

Setting a policy for windows to send a file to the server ;

Setting geo-position coordinates ;

Setting the value of the title or navigator field ;

Setting the time zone (IANA region) ;

Setting the policy for pop-up prompts with an input field ;

Setting policy for pop-up alerts with one OK button ;

Setting a policy for confirmation pop-up windows with OK and Cancel buttons ;

Proxy installation ;

Setting screen settings ;

Setting super cookie ;

Setting the time zone (UTC) ;

Setting an additional header for browser requests ;

Setting IP addresses for WebRTC emulation. The method needs a dedicated process because it applies to all instances. Он будет генерировать кандидатов WebRTC для RTP на UDP, так же кандидатов за NAT, если требуется;

Setting window settings ;

Setting the window size ;

Show the font. Метод нуждается в выделенном процессе, потому что применяется ко всем инстансам;

Show the field in the navigator ;

Show plugins ;

Show WebRTC device. Эмуляция устройства работает только в случае, если для WebRTCWorkMode установлено значение Emulate;

Stop active downloads ;

Waiting between emulations of input to page fields ;

Waiting for the instance to prepare all the tabs ;

Displaying the instance window and waiting for user action .

Chrome: working with tabs

Getting a list of all uploaded documents ;

Getting the domain of the page ;

Getting the Dom page ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Getting the id of the browser tab window ;

Getting information about the busyness of a tab ;

Getting information about the completion of the download on the tab (interactive status) ;

Gets a value indicating whether the tab exists in the browser ;

Getting information about the download completion on the tab (preliminary completion status) ;

Get information indicating whether a tab has been initiated ;

Receiving the last warning on the tab ;

Get the last alert title on a tab ;

Getting the body element of the main document on the page ;

Getting the main document on the page ;

Getting the main domain of the page ;

Selecting and getting the text of the article from the page ;

Getting the name of the tab ;

Getting information about the error found in the last performed transition ;

Getting or setting the page load time ;

Get or set a value indicating the percentage of the page scale ;

Getting the text of the page visible to the user ;

Getting the name of the tab, which is set by the page ;

Getting the URL of the page ;

Getting the internal ID of a tab in the browser ;

Closing a tab ;

Execution of the Drag & Drop event on the page ;

Search for an element by attribute and get one match ;

Search for an element by ID and get one match ;

Search for an element by name and get one match ;

Search for an element by tag and get one match ;

Search for an element by XPath and get one match ;

Search for all elements by attribute ;

Search for all elements by ID ;

Search for all elements by name ;

Search for all elements by tags ;

Search for all elements by XPath ;

Search for a document on a tab by an internal address ;

Getting an element located at the specified coordinates ;

Search for an element by the specified parameters ;

Getting a page preview (screenshot) ;

Getting the text of the page visible to the user ;

Getting a list of requests for the current tab ;

Executing a keypress event ;

Performing a mouse click at a specified point ;

Moving the mouse cursor in the specified coordinates ;

Execution of movements by scrolling the mouse at a specified point ;

Go to the specified URL with the specified referrer ;

Search for a single element by querySelector ;

Search for all elements by querySelector ;

Performing a mouse click inside the specified area ;

Setting the current tab as active ;

Installing the source code of the page ;

Stop loading the page ;

JavaScript signature for the DOMContentLoaded event on the page ;

JavaScript signature for the DOMWindowCreated event on the page ;

Waiting for the page to load ;

Waiting until the status changes to interactive ;

Waiting until the status changes to provisional completion .

Chrome: working with documents

Getting the body of the document ;

Getting the offset of the upper left corner relative to the tab window ;

Getting the domain of the current document ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Getting the first child of the document ;

Getting a list of all forms of the document ;

Getting the title of the document ;

Getting the height of the document in pixels ;

Gets a value indicating whether the document exists on the page ;

Getting information indicating whether the document has been initialized ;

Getting the main domain of the current document ;

Teaching the first form of the document ;

Getting the parent document ;

Getting the parent tab of the document ;

Getting the state of the document ;

Getting the referrer URI of the page ;

Getting the URL of the document ;

Getting the width of the document in pixels ;

Getting the internal document ID in the browser ;

Executing JavaScript code within a document ;

Search for an element by attribute and get one match ;

Search for an element by ID and get one match ;

Search for an element by name and get one match ;

Search for an element by tag and get one match ;

Search for an element by XPath and get one match ;

Search for all elements by attribute ;

search for all elements by ID ;

Search for all elements by name ;

Search for all elements by tags ;

Search for all elements by XPath ;

Receiving Dom of the current document ;

Getting an element located at the specified coordinates ;

Getting a list of all frames ;

Getting the text of the document visible to the user ;

Search for a single element by querySelector ;

Search for all elements by querySelector ;

Removing a child element from a document ;

Replacing a child element with another element .

Chrome: working with document collections

Getting the number of items contained in a collection of documents ;

Getting an array of copies of documents contained in the collection ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Get information indicating whether the collection has been initialized ;

Adding a document to the end of a collection of documents ;

Adding a collection of documents to the end of the current collection of documents ;

Receiving a document at the specified index ;

Search for the index of the specified document in the collection of documents ;

Inserting a document into a collection of documents at the specified index ;

Inserting a collection of documents into the current collection at the specified index ;

Removing an item from the collection of documents at the specified index .

Chrome: working with elements

Getting the height of the rectangle in which the element is inscribed in pixels

Getting the width of the rectangle in which the element is inscribed in pixels ;

Getting the document for the frame / iframe element ;

Getting the offset of the top-left corner of an element relative to the top of the window ;

Getting the offset of the top-left corner of an element relative to the parent document ;

Getting the offset of the upper left corner of the element relative to the tab window ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Getting the first child ;

Getting the complete tag of an element ;

Getting the height of an element in pixels ;

Getting the item ID ;

Getting HTML text inside an element tag ;

Getting text inside an element tag ;

Getting a value indicating whether an element exists on the page ;

Get information indicating whether the element is initialized ;

Getting the last child element ;

Getting the name of the element ;

Getting the next item ;

Getting HTML text including the element tag and all child tags ;

Getting the body of the parent document ;

Getting the parent document ;

Getting the parent element ;

Getting the parent form ;

Getting the parent tab ;

Getting the previous item ;

Getting the tag of an element ;

Getting the width of an element in pixels ;

Getting the internal ID of an element in the browser ;

Execution of the event click on an element ;

Saving the element image to a bitmap ;

Saving an image of a part of an element into a bitmap ;

Saving an image of a part of an element in a base64 string ;

Saving the element image in base64 string ;

Search for an element among the children by attribute and get one match ;

Search for an element among children by ID and get one match ;

Search for an element among children by name and get one match ;

Search for an element among children by tag and get one match ;

Search for an element among children by XPath and get one match ;

Search for all elements among child elements by attribute ;

Search for all elements among children by ID ;

Search for all elements among children by name ;

Search for all elements among children by tags ;

Search for all elements among children by XPath ;

Setting focus on an element ;

Getting the value of an attribute ;

Getting a list of all children ;

Getting the values of the selected elements (radio and select) ;

Get the computed style value for an element ;

Getting the value of an element ;

Adding the specified item after the item ;

Adding the specified element before the element ;

Removing the specified attribute ;

Removing the child element ;

Replacing the child with the specified element ;

Execution of the specified event for the item ;

Scrolling a tab to an item ;

Setting the attribute value ;

Setting the selected items (radio and select) ;

Setting the value of the element .

Chrome: working with item collections

Getting the number of items contained in the item collection ;

Getting an array of copies of the elements contained in the collection ;

Getting information about the error found in the last executed command ;

Get information indicating whether the collection has been initialized ;

Adding an item to the end of a collection of items ;

Adding a collection of elements to the end of the current collection of elements ;

Getting attribute values of all elements of the collection ;

Getting the item at the specified index ;

Find the index of the specified item in the item collection ;

Inserting an item into the item collection at the specified index ;

Inserting a collection of items into the current collection at the specified index ;

Removes an item from the item collection at the specified index .

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