ZennoPoster (31.10.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (31.10.2019)

New features:

[+] Added the Time column to the Traffic window, as well as the choice of displayed columns.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed receiving headers in the alternative method of HTTP requests.

[*] Fixed proxy check for ban in Google when using an alternative method of HTTP requests.

[*] The work of CookieContainer in the alternative method of HTTP requests has been fixed.

[*] Fixed writing to a table cell by column index.

[*] Fixed transfer of variables when copying a static BotUI block.

[*] The operation of the Recognition reCAPTCHA action through the CapMonsterCloud module and 2Captcha through the sitekey has been fixed.

[*] The search for socks proxies in ProxyChecker has been fixed.

[*] The work of macros in the path to the file with the code in the General code static block has been fixed.

[*] Fixed project.LogOptions.LogFile.

[*] Fixed JSON parsing errors due to invalid characters.

[*] Collapsing of groups in the Traffic window has been fixed.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.