ZennoPoster (11.08.2014)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (11.08.2014)

New features:

[+] Added the ability to purchase a Dev license ZennoPoster, which allows you to sell bots without commission, sell subscriptions, use the API to create your own stores. Cost $ 150 for 6 months.

[+] Added the ability to sell projects through the server not only for ZennoBox, but also for ZennoPoster.

[+] Added mirrors of servers required for ZennoPoster to work in the USA and China, if it is impossible to connect to the main server, ZennoPoster automatically switches to the nearest available mirror.

[+] Proxy check servers are located in three data centers (USA, Germany, Russia) for greater availability and reliability.

[+] In the project editor added selection of objects using the frame and through Ctrl + Click. Selected objects can be moved / cut / copied / deleted / pasted. When you insert, the links between objects are preserved.

[+] Added dropdown and tab elements to input settings.

[+] Added the ability to import and export for input settings.

[+] Added the ability to connect a profile in HTTP GET / POST actions.

[+] Global variables are separated when mapped to declared in the project and outside the project.

[+] In the action of deleting lines from the list, added a condition for not matching regular expression.

[+] Browser version updated to the latest 24 ESR.

[+] Added the ability to automatically search and clear unused variables in the project.

[+] Added the ability to manage templates by template name via bat and ZennoPoster class.

[+] Added the ability to quickly insert snippets from the Snippets folder in a C # action.

[+] Added the project.Context property for storing and exchanging objects between C # snippets, this feature is convenient to use when working with a database, in the context of a project you can store a connection to a database.

[+] Added the project.Profile.RegenerateLogin (String) method for generating logins.

[+] Added the HtmlElement.ScrollIntoView () method for scrolling a tab to the specified HTML element.

[+] Added the IZennoTable.Clear () method to clear the contents of the table through the code.

[+] Added the IZennoTable.Bind (String) method to bind a table to a file via code.

[+] Added the IZennoList.Bind (String) method to bind a list to a file via code.

[+] Added methods IZennoList.AddRange (IEnumerable <string>) and IZennoList.AddRange (IZennoList) for adding data array to the list.

[+] Added support for several Chinese Captcha recognition services.

[+] When copying actions from a project to a project, all variables, lists and tables used in the action are copied to the project.

[+] Added an option for the action "Text processing - ToUpper", "First character" - converts to uppercase only the first character of the text.

[+] The minimum delay for emulating text input has been changed by 15 ms, the maximum delay has been increased to 10000 ms (10 sec).

[+] Actions that use non-existent variables in the parameter text are highlighted as erroneous.

[+] Added "Load styles (CSS)" and "Load plugins in the same window" radio buttons in ProjectMaker browser.

[+] When opening already added projects in ZennoPoster, a notification about this appears.

[+] New items “Close” and “Close all except this” have been added to the context menu of project tabs in editor mode.

[+] Added automatic numbering of columns in the action of working with a table.

[+] Processing of the "Condition" action has been optimized and fixed.

[+] Added item to the context menu of ZennoPoster tasks “Reset failures in a row”.

[+] Added the "Log only" flag to the Alert action.

[+] The form of captcha recognition during recording can be closed.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed Drag & Drop, now it works on all sites.

[*] Fixed error processing InputSettings when field names match.

[*] The error in the operation of hot keys Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y in the C # code editors has been fixed.

[*] Fixed bug in CodeCreator editor when setting breakpoints.

[*] The directory selection window was not shown in action with FTP directories.

[*] Some bugs with SFTP have been fixed.

[*] Fixed work with Yandex mail.

[*] Errors during reprocessing of one mail have been fixed.

[*] Fixed the dropout of the context menu.

[*] The error of saving the results of HTTP requests to a file, if any, has been fixed.

[*] Fixed work of keyboard emulation in plugins (like Flash).

[*] The sizes of HTTP GET / POST requests controls in the extended mode of ProjectMaker have been fixed.

[*] Fixed closing of the Switch action in the extended ProjectMaker editor.

[*] Fixed display of the list of live proxies.

[*] The window for manual captcha input has been fixed.

[*] Recording mode when testing picture search is recognized normally.

[*] Reinstallation of Referer has been fixed.

[*] The work of the PreviousSubling property of the HtmlElement has been fixed.

[*] The work of the successive failure counter has been fixed.

[*] Input settings of tasks are saved when ZennoPoster crashes.

[*] The operation of the file upload action in a multithread has been fixed.

[*] The error of adding duplicate proxy IP addresses has been fixed.

[*] GeoIP has been updated in ProxyChecker.