ZennoPoster (05.11.2014)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (05.11.2014)

New features:

[+] The browser engine has been updated to version 24.8.

[+] The “Repeat in a loop” item has been added to the context menu of the ProjectMaker editor for actions and groups of actions to quickly create loops.

[+] Errors and warnings for optional actions or actions with processing an unsuccessful outcome are not shown in the log.

[+] The API for selling bots has been extended, the CreateBot and UploadBotContent functions have been added, see details here .

[+] Added a new type field to the input settings Comment for displaying text on the full width of the settings window.

[+] Added "Help" field for input settings elements. You can use simple HTML markup such as <b> and <i>.

[+] Added support for * .xlsm table format.

[+] Added the ability to save the current project proxy to a profile.

[+] Expanded action "Delete rows" for a table.

[+] Added the ability to turn off sounds for instances (works on Windows Vista and higher).

[+] Added the ability to edit default values for input settings in ProjectMaker preview.

[+] Added the ability to copy GAC links between projects.

[+] Added settings "Keep bases in reserve" and "Lifetime of inactive base". These settings allow you to adjust the number of databases in an inactive state, which allows you to save RAM.

[+] Added the ability to launch programs in hidden mode in the “Run program” action.

[+] Changed mail authorization logic with autodetection of settings. If authorization is unsuccessful, an error text is written and prompted to enter the data manually.

[+] The window for editing input settings has been improved.

[+] Links between actions can now be recreated without deleting the old one.

[+] When opening a project, Start is focused in the project editing window.

[+] Added button for endless task execution in ZennoPoster.

[+] When copying actions from another project, a dialog is created that allows you to select a copy policy for variables associated with actions.

[+] project.Context now works with dynamic type instead of object.

[+] Added Keys property to project.Context, which returns a list of all keys.

[+] Variables of the project became enumerable, property Keys was also added.

[+] Added a dialog for selecting a profile file for actions of GET / POST requests.

[+] The display of the Switch action has been improved.

[+] The speed of processing GET / POST requests has been increased.

[+] Added the instance.SetUserHeader (string headerName, string value) method to add custom headers to browser requests.

[+] Added the ability to navigate to a column in the "Custom C #" action.

[+] Added automatic renaming of variables, lists and tables in C # code.

[+] Added the "Monitor streams state" setting to display additional statistics parameters.

[+] Added a setting “Do not fill the action settings cache” to speed up the launch of ProjectMaker.

[+] Added setting of the number of HTTP requests for POST and GET actions.

[+] Added setting for operation of lists and tables "Leave empty file in UTF8 encoding".

[+] Added setting “Show resulting variable in action description”.

[+] Added setting “Run unfinished projects at startup”.

[+] Added additional inspections for C # and JavaScript code.

[+] The IsWindowExists method has been added to the Emulator class for checking the existence of a window.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Changing the default value for variables brings the project into a changed state.

[*] Fixed crash of ProjectMaker when starting a project from the beginning on some computers.

[*] Flickering yellow loading indicator on some sites has been fixed.

[*] Fixed work of subscriptions in ZennoBox.

[*] Fixed work of the scheduler in ZennoPoster.

[*] Fixed receiving pictures from the page, pictures are taken directly from the browser cache, and not re-rendered.

[*] Fixed freezing of bases during drag & drop.

[*] When starting the project from the beginning, browser flags such as loading CSS are returned to their default state.

[*] Fixed work on systems with Hindi localization and some other eastern localizations.

[*] Corruption of settings files, after which it was required to reinstall the program, has been fixed.

[*] The processing of cookies in GET / POST requests has been fixed.

[*] Fixed binding of lists in ZennoPoster.

[*] Fixed bug with label “No label” in ZennoPoster.

[*] Fixed deleting actions in ProjectMaker.

[*] Fixed closing of tabs in ProjectMaker, after closing there is an empty tab with the name “page”.

[*] Fixed initialization of lists and tables.

[*] Changes in C # code were not saved when starting the project from the specified action with the code editor open.

[*] Fixed work of GET / POST requests when using ports in URL.

[*] Fixed handling of the Delete key in ZennoPoster.

[*] A project created in CodeCreator that does not use an instance now does not create an instance in ZennoPoster.

[*] The opening of an excessive number of bases has been fixed.

[*] The work of the Alert action has been fixed.

[*] Fixed bug in recording ProjectMaker actions.

[*] The repeated execution of macros has been fixed.

[*] Fixed recording of the AllowPopup action.

[*] Fixed work of input settings in ZennoPoster from old projects.

[*] Fixed processing of profile fields CpuClass, OsCpu, Platform, Product, ProductSub when saving and loading.

[*] Fixed hang of ProjectMaker when opening a Google document.

[*] A Switch action is marked incorrectly configured if it contains lines with the same values.

[*] Fixed display of some sites, which differed from the display in the browser.

[*] Fixed crash of ProjectMaker when using KeyEvent.

[*] After minimizing to tray ZennoPoster is maximized to full screen if the work was in this mode before minimizing.