ZennoPoster (21.09.2016)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (21.09.2016)

New features:

[+] The browser engine has been updated to version 45 ESR.

[+] Added traffic policies and traffic monitor. You can allow traffic from the white list of addresses or domains, or, on the contrary, organize a black list of requests. This will reduce resource consumption, increase the speed and stability of your projects. Now you can view all browser requests without using external tools like Fiddler.

[+] In ProjectMaker, the browser has been moved to a separate process, the ProjectMaker process on 64 bit systems now works as a 64 bit application.

[+] Added tools and macros for working with JSON and XML.

[+] Added the ability to trace the execution of projects in ZennoPoster.

[+] Added the ability to set a pause after an action with an element in the additional action settings.

[+] Improvements in the layout of action properties and static blocks for small screens.

[+] Add lists, tables, etc. now it is possible from the context menu of the "Static blocks" control.

[+] Added the ability to swap static blocks using Drag & Drop.

[+] Added display of control characters when viewing lists and tables.

[+] Added the ability to clear a list or table from the context menu of static blocks.

[+] Added the ability to use an array of characters as a separator for tables (you can select the option multiple separators and specify a set of characters that will be separators).

[+] Loading and saving profiles has been improved.

[+] When creating a bat-file, options can now be combined.

[+] Now you can open projects in ProjectMaker from ZennoPoster. And also send tasks to ZennoPoster from ProjectMaker (from the context menu on the project tab in ProjectMaker or from the project context menu in ZennoPoster).

[+] Added alert levels (message, warning, error) for the “Alert” action.

[+] When you double-click on a message in the ProjectMaker log, the cursor moves to the action in the nested project, if it is open.

[+] Added the ability to set comments for project variables. In the context menu on the header in the table with variables, you can select which columns to show.

[+] Added a "Default" button in the input settings window, which resets all input settings to their default values.

[+] A new “Canvas” action has been added to the browser settings cube. The action can set the Canvas fingerprint processing modes: “Allow”, “Emulate”, “Block”. If the mode is set to “Allow”, Canvas works in standard mode. If the mode is set to “Block”, then execution of some basic methods of the Canvas object is prohibited. If the "Emulate" mode is set, then a special key is used, unique for each instance, which will be saved in the profile and with which Canvas fingerprint becomes unique for each instance.

[+] DropDownMultiSelect has been improved in the incoming settings, now it can be configured in the same way as a regular DropDown.

[+] Closing bases in ZennoPoster has been improved.

[+] Added the ability to use multiple values in the "tag" field in actions for working with HTML elements. Separator between tags ";" (example div; span; td).

[+] Added the {-TimeNow.Day-} macro.

[+] Added interruption of captcha recognition action when debugging is stopped.

[+] New columns “Instance usage” and “Show instances” have been added to the list of ZennoPoster tasks.

[+] Streams manager ZennoPoster has been optimized, now the number of streams is dynamically adjusted to the set maximum streams.

[+] In the action of captcha recognition added the ability to save the answer and the original image to the specified folder for further training of CapMoster2 modules.

[+] Minor improvements in project search.

[+] Added methods for working with JSON and XML in C # project.Json and project.Xml .

[+] Added partial debugging of the code in the "Custom C # code" action. You can use breakpoints, step-by-step debugging, view and set the values of local variables, quick check, and receive exception messages.

[+] Added the ability to specify additional parameters for translation functions. For example, change the key (key = your key). Likewise for C # functions. If you created your own translation modules, then the ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.ICommonTranslateServiceInterface interface has changed, the modules will have to be modified.

[+] Added the ability to generate code for the "Text processing" action.

[+] Added option "Line break" in the code editor for the "Custom C # code" action.

[+] Added methods for the ZennoLab.Macros.TextProcessing class:

  • String PrepToJavaScriptEval(String)

  • String ToChar(String)

  • String ToLower(String, String)

  • String ToUpper(String, String)

  • String Trim(String, String)

  • String Trim(String, String, String)

  • void ToList(String, String, String, IZennoPosterProjectModel, IZennoList)

  • void ToTable(String, String, String, String, String, IZennoPosterProjectModel, IZennoTable)

  • String Replace(String, String, String, String, String, String)

[+] Added method instance.SetCookie (String) .

[+] Editing cell styles in Excel-like tables using C # code:

[+] Added methods for getting a random element / elements from the list and table using a filter with the format :

[+] A new setting “Delete for domains matching regular expression” has been added to the actions for clearing cache and cookies. If the setting is enabled and the regular expression is not empty, then only domains that match the regular expression are cleared. An optional argument has also appeared in the corresponding C # code methods:

[+] The project.GetLastError () method now also returns the Exception that occurred in the action.

[+] Added the "Detailed log of autosearch operation" flag in the ProxyChecker settings, when enabled, the autosearch operation is logged to the autoSearchLog.txt file in the log folder.

[+] The project.Environment property has been added to the project object in C # code, which contains information about the computer.

[+] Added an additional optional parameter considerScroll to the ZennoLab.CommandCenter.Tab methods:

If the parameter is set to true, the corresponding methods take into account the scrolling on the page and use the coordinates taking into account the scroll.

[+] The set of Navigator object fields available for showing / hiding has been updated. Also updated automatic setting of fields depending on UserAgent.

[+] Added mime types to plugin emulation. In ZennoLab.CommandCenter.PluginItem added feature List <PluginMimeType> MimeTypes {get; set; }. Added ZennoLab.CommandCenter.PluginMimeType , which describes the mime type. In addition, the output of the ZennoLab.CommandCenter.PluginItem.ToString () method has been changed, if you have used it in your projects, please check the functionality.

[+] Added MouseWheel (int x, int y, double deltaX, double deltaY, bool considerScroll = false) method to ZennoLab.CommandCenter.Tab . This method emulates horizontal and vertical mouse scrolling, works only for a browser with content display.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed a bug with uploading a list of files to FTP, only the first file from the list was uploaded.

[*] Fixed keyboard emulation when switching tabs.

[*] Fixed interface bug when it was impossible to set variables to save the result of a database query.

[*] The errors of opening projects have been fixed.

[*] The so-called "Camrip", when fonts could become fuzzy, has been fixed in the ProjectMaker editor.

[*] Fixed horizontal scrolling in the project editing window.

[*] Fixed scaling in the browser window.

[*] Fixed processing of modal popups.

[*] Fixed display of sight when emulating a mouse in ProjectMaker.

[*] The appearance of many authorization windows in ProjectMaker when working with an HTTP proxy has been fixed.

[*] Fixed copying of variables when transferring JavaScript action to another project.

[*] Problems that caused the proxy check to hang have been fixed.

[*] Fixed setting the number of threads via a bat file using the task name.

[*] Carriage handling has been returned in the regular expression tester and the "Show special characters" checkbox has been added.

[*] In the HTTP GET / POST action, the "Executed" mode for the "Cookie" field has been fixed.

[*] Displaying the value of the class attribute in the element properties window has been made multi-line.

[*] The bug of saving cookies in an instance from the previous execution has been fixed.

[*] Fixed operation of the String ZennoLab.Emulation.Emulator.MouseClick (String, MouseButton, MouseButtonEvent, int, int, bool) method.

[*] Fixed sorting of columns in the ZennoPoster task list.

[*] Editing of the “Source” rule in ProxyChecker has been fixed.

[*] The operation of the Ctrl + Z key combination has been fixed.

[*] Fixed bugs in receiving mail via encrypted connections.

[*] The editor freezing in the “Custom C # code” action when typing code has been fixed.

[*] Fixed parsing of ProxyChecker sources with JavaScript processing.