ZennoPoster (18.10.2013)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (18.10.2013)

New features:

[+] Added option Write → “Automatically insert macro of project directory”. The macro of the project directory will be automatically inserted into the file paths when recording a project if the file is located in the same directory or subdirectory where the project is located.

[+] Added command instance.GetCookie, now cookies for GET / POST requests can be received via one line of C # macro. return instance.GetCookie (“example.com”, true);

[+] Added critical priority for tasks in ZennoPoster.

[+] The Decaptcher module returns the correct error code. Instead of Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

[+] Added a helper class ZennoLab.CommandCenter.PhpHelper for synchronizing threads in PHP CodeCreator projects.

[+] Added the ability to edit input settings in the task manager.

[+] Added check for incompatible software during installation.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed HTTP POST request for multipart / form-data option and uploading binaries.

[*] Fixed a bug when it was impossible to change the settings of several sources.

[*] Sometimes during installation "Unpacking error" occurred.

[*] Fixed some errors when executing PHP code.

[*] The error of transmitting the wrong UserAgent during SSL Handshake via HTTP proxy has been fixed. The fix works when one stream is installed per base. Don't worry end server, never seen your real UserAgent, work as before. But now even the proxy will never be able to see the UserAgent by default.

[*] The action of starting an external program exits on an unsuccessful exit, in case of an unsuccessful start.