ZennoPoster (28.12.2016)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (28.12.2016)

New features:

[+] Now you can install several versions of ZennoPoster at the same time. You can put different products on different accounts on one computer. If the installer asks you to install .NET Framework 2.0 / 3.5, agree, this operation is one-time. If the unattended installation on the server fails, then here are the instructions for manual installation.

[+] Processing of UI ProjectMaker and ZennoPoster has been accelerated.

[+] General performance improvements.

[+] Improved Canvas emulation. For the option to work correctly, you must enable Canvas emulation BEFORE switching to the page, and not during operation.

[+] Added the ability to execute JavaScript when creating a page window (DOMWindowCreated). You can override any JavaScript objects before the first call to them on the site.

[+] Arrows of active action are now highlighted.

[+] Dragged arrows are now highlighted.

[+] Now the correct error is displayed instead of "The project does not contain input settings" if the user does not have permission to run the project.

[+] Added the ability to disable the notification about successful project execution in the log. Settings ➙ Others ➙ Logging settings ➙ Output notifications of successful project execution to the log.

[+] Getting proxies in ProjectMaker from ProxyChecker now works from actions, not just from C # code.

[+] Improved processing of CSV files.

[+] Added the "Remember position in C # block" setting. Settings ➙ Editor. By default, only the line is remembered, and the code is opened on the line where the editing was completed, with the setting turned off, the place of the last edit is remembered.

Fixed bugs:

[*] The reasons for ZennoPoster interface freezing have been fixed.

[*] The reasons for the hang of the ProjectMaker interface have been fixed.

[*] Browser crashes on some sites have been fixed.

[*] Errors causing instability of ZennoPoster have been fixed.

[*] The functionality of the browser on Yandex Direct and Vimeo sites has been fixed.

[*] Fixed floating layout on Vkontakte and other sites at low screen resolutions.

[*] Fixed emulation of delays in mouse movement.

[*] "Follow cursor" has been fixed.

[*] Fixed problem with cookies when working for a long time.

[*] Fixed search error when working via POP3, if the server issues messages in the wrong order.

[*] The error that caused the appearance of hung base.exe processes when using nested projects has been fixed.

[*] Fixed debugging of nested projects requiring browser launch.

[*] The error that caused infinite initialization of base.exe has been fixed.

[*] Fixed error not downloading files with too long names.

[*] Removed unnecessary settings from globalsetttings.settings.

[*] Fixed expansion of the project canvas when recording projects.

[*] When double-clicking on opening a project, the opening dialog no longer appears again.

[*] The functionality of the buttons (Start, Forward and Stop) in the extended editor has been fixed.

[*] Fixed saving the state of the "Show instances" button.

[*] Fixed loading and saving profile on Asian Windows locales.

[*] The operation of the action Take DOM ➙ parsing ➙ one match ➙ Random has been fixed.

[*] Restored support for regions in C # code.

[*] Errors when converting C # code have been fixed.

[*] The work of the Ctrl + Y combination has been fixed.

[*] Removed context menu in the instance at runtime.

[*] Fixed parsing of cookies on some sites when redirecting to HTTP GET / POST.

[*] Minor changes in the user interface.

[*] ZennoPoster at startup determines where it started, whether there is support for hardware accelerated graphics rendering. If ZennoPoster detects the presence of a GPU incorrectly, you can always enable it in the settings. Settings ➙ Instance ➙ Using GPU to accelerate rendering. Enabling this setting without a built-in GPU accelerator can lead to unstable performance.

[*] Fixed error when using the action "Working with directories ➙ Path to file", an empty path was displayed for a non-existent file and the action was completed with success. If you use this action in your templates, then to work in old and new versions at the same time, you must mark this action as optional.