ZennoPoster (02.03.2020)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (02.03.2020)

New features:

[+] Added Chrome developer tools to ProjectMaker.

[+] Now, when the ZennoPoster task is completed, the instance process is closed by timeout if it was used to prevent browser freezes.

[+] Now ZennoPoster scheduler starts only after the program is fully loaded.

[+] Added properties Instance.FrameRate and Instance.AnimationFrameRate. New properties can be used to regulate the consumption of computer resources on sites with heavy animation.

[+] Added support for the SameSite and Priority cookie parameters in CookieContainer and Chrome. The parameters are saved and loaded in the profile, and are also involved in all methods of issuing cookies.

[+] In Settings → Other added the "Limit the maximum size of the log file". By default, the setting is disabled. For users who work with big data and do not need a full log, it is recommended to enable the restriction. this will improve the performance of ZennoPoster and reduce memory consumption.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed multiple causes of freezes and crashes of the Chrome browser, now the browser works stably.

[*] Chrome has become more anonymous, many sites like LinkedIn no longer detect ZennoPoster.

[*] Fixed IndexedDB operation in Chrome. Now authorization on some sites will not fly, for example: Tinder.

[*] Now Google authorization works more stable.

[*] Full mouse emulation has been fixed. This led to the correct display in Yandex Metrica on some sites.

[*] Fixed selection of text on the page using FullEmulationMouseClick and FullEmulationMouseMove.

[*] Fixed generation of WebRtc mediaDevices for Chrome.

[*] Fixed freezing of Chrome on sites with a chat bot.

[*] Fixed downloading files on some sites in Chrome.

[*] The transfer of referer through the cube of transition to the page in Chrome has been fixed.

[*] Fixed emulation of the date, some problem sites started working, for example smule.com .

[*] Fixed bugs that caused captcha on sites with CloudFlare.

[*] Fixed errors that led to unloading sites protected by Variti.

[*] Fixed display of the page when redrawing combo boxes in Chrome on some sites.

[*] Now, if there is no connection to the server or similar problems, ZennoPoster settings are saved correctly.

[*] The problem of data loss when saving a profile has been fixed. Now, when saving a profile, if there are problems with receiving data from the browser, the action will fail with an error. If you re-save the profile, the data will not be lost.

[*] Fixed manual loading of files when waiting for user actions in the browser in ZennoPoster.

[*] Fixed dragging of arrows in the ProjectMaker project, now the project correctly saves states and correctly responds to project changes.

[*] Now an alternative HTTP request method can handle invalid cookies.

[*] Fixed work of multipart in the alternative method of HTTP requests.

[*] Fixed loading of GeoIP database.

[*] Now the Host header for HTTP requests is displayed correctly in the traffic monitor.

[*] Now, with HTTP requests through the code using the standard method, the correctness of the proxy is checked, in the case of an invalid proxy, the request will not be sent.

[*] Processing of HTTP requests with incorrect Content-Type has been fixed.

[*] Fixed work of extended log autofilter for tasks in ZennoPoster.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.