ZennoPoster (15.10.2015)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (15.10.2015)

New features:

[+] The “75%” zoom setting has been added to the captcha recognition action.

[+] Added display of balance in captcha recognition services settings.

[+] Improved work of ZennoPoster.CaptchaRecognition method for receiving audio files. Now ZennoPoster + CapMonster can also recognize audio captchas, for example, ReCaptcha Audio .

[+] Added "Default - unsuccessful exit" setting to Switch action.

[+] The “Mandatory use of all the listed parameters” setting has been added to the Random action.

[+] Added an extension for the {-TimeNow.Date-} macro. Now you can write your own time format before the closing parenthesis {-TimeNow.Date [Format] -}. You can read more about the date format by following the links: Strings of custom date and time formats , Strings of standard date and time formats .

[+] Added the {-TimeNow.UnixTime-} macro.

[+] Added search and replace functions to C # code editors, saving selected text to a snippet file.

[+] Added font and text size for C # code editors to ProjectMaker settings.

[+] A button “Update fields” has been added to the element properties window, which updates the element's properties, as well as the element tree.

[+] Improved search by projects. First, the search is conducted on the user's comments, then on everything else. Added the "Search in all open projects" flag.

[+] The ability to delete default rules has been added to ProxyChecker (You can return them if necessary).

[+] In the "Work with mail" action, a field has been added to record the operation error.

[+] Added the {-Environment.CurrentUser-} macro.

[+] Added profile variables to the Environment tab in the variables window.

[+] The button “Clear sorting” has been added to the variables window.

[+] The action of captcha recognition in case of empty authorization data issues a corresponding message to the log in ProjectMaker and ZennoPoster. Doesn't work through C # code.

[+] Added saving of the scroll position in the action “Custom C #”.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Range work has been fixed.

[*] The problem of disappearing selection menus has been fixed.

[*] Fixed setting boundary for HTTP POST.

[*] Proxy cleaning problem has been fixed.

[*] The problem of truncating the rucaptcha.com response has been fixed .

[*] The problem of the "Convert to C #" menu item, when converting variables for some actions, has been fixed.

[*] Sending special characters in HTTP POST requests has been fixed.

[*] Fixed receiving captcha on some sites.

[*] Fixed using remote_dns via socks proxy.

[*] Fixed display of LastAlertText in the wrong encoding.

[*] Checking the presence of the selected text on the page now works correctly with any number of spaces in the text.

[*] When recording is disabled in ProjectMaker, inserting values from a profile and variables does not create action blocks.

[*] The work of nested projects with the "Run" access level in ProjectMaker has been fixed.

[*] The operation of cookies has been fixed, which affects the operation of the Groupon website and some others.

[*] The problem of copying lists and tables between projects has been fixed.

[*] Fixed the work of the Export and Import buttons in the input project settings in ProjectMaker.

[*] Fixed work of nested projects via C # code.