ZennoPoster (16.04.2020)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (16.04.2020)

New features:

[+] Added the ability to stop C # code execution. When you click Stop, if the execution is not completed within 5 seconds, a dialog box will appear asking you to interrupt the C # code.

[+] Calculations of coordinates for full emulation are based on coordinates relative to the tab, not the entire page, which solves many problems of full emulation.

[+] Added property Tab.FullEmulationMouseTabPosition, which provides coordinates of the virtual mouse relative to the tab, ie. visible area of the page.

[+] In case of ZennoPoster crash or other problems with the saved task list, the task list recovery form is now shown.

[+] Added brotli support for alternate mode of http requests.

[+] Added emulation of navigator.deviceMemory in Chrome.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed emulation of Accept-Language in Chrome.

[*] Fixed recording of actions in ProjectMaker when using Chrome browser.

[*] Fixed hiding and displaying fonts in Chrome.

[*] Fixed work of localStorage in Chrome. The error led to the reset of the Telegram authorization.

[*] The work of POST requests with the alternative method of http requests has been fixed.

[*] The problem of missing tasks in ZennoPoster has been fixed.

[*] The freezing of the alternative http request method in some cases has been fixed.

[*] The order of headers in the alternative method of http requests has been fixed. Also, the order of headers when displayed in the traffic monitor has been fixed.

[*] Now, if Headers is enabled in the browser profile, but Navigator is disabled, the UserAgent field is emulated. This is required for http requests to work.

[*] The Developer Tools button is hidden for Firefox.

[*] Now, if there are errors in connecting to the server when starting ProjectMaker, a corresponding message is shown, and not a message about an error in creating the main window.

[*] The error of opening the file selection dialog in the action settings, if the field contains an empty variable, has been fixed.

[*] Fixed freeze of ZennoPoster interface during autosave of the task list.

[*] You can no longer create a list or table with a trailing space.

[*] Now tasks of the Task Manager in ZennoPoster do not disappear from the general list of tasks.

[*] Fixed work of Instance.FormTitle for Chrome and Firefox.

[*] Fixed debugging of C # code when using the Table methods: Clear, DeleteColumn, DeleteRow, DeleteRows, Bind and List.SetItem.

[*] The setting "Reduce memory consumption for C #", which led to problems with debugging C # code, has been removed.

[*] Added missing scroll bar in the Run program action in ProjectMaker.

[*] Now the line number with an error in C # code is determined correctly.

[*] The disappearance of the virtual mouse cursor in some cases has been fixed.

[*] The reasons when the hotkeys stopped working have been fixed.

[*] When loading a profile from an unsuitable browser, a warning is now displayed in the log. For example, when loading a Firefox profile in Chrome and vice versa.

[*] Added missing file selection button in the "Recognize captcha" action.

[*] Fixed default values of parameters window.screenLeft and window.screenTop for Chrome.

[*] Now the choice of the http request method affects the C # code as well.

[*] Fixed work of full emulation methods in the mode without displaying content for Chrome.

[*] Fixed errors in synchronization of browser tabs, which led to loading sites in the wrong tab.

[*] Errors of synchronization between instance and ProjectMaker have been fixed.

[*] Now text search finds text in the "Switch" action.

[*] Errata in xml format of ZennoPoster task have been fixed.

[*] Renaming of projects in ZennoPoster has been fixed.

[*] The operation of the text translation action using GoogleTranslateViaWebInterface.dll has been fixed.

[*] Possible causes of ProjectMaker freezing when closing projects or programs have been fixed.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.