ZennoPoster (21.12.2017)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (21.12.2017)

New features:

[+] Added support for 64 bit Firefox.

[+] Added function for adding proxy services.

[+] Added support for AWM proxy.

[+] Added support for the virtualsms.ru service.

[+] Emulation Canvas now supports emulation when working with WebGL and WebGL2 contexts.

[+] Time emulation improved.

[+] Accelerated ProjectMaker work when working with large projects.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Improved hiding of navigator object fields.

[*] Improving the stability of the program.

[*] The errors of not starting the browser have been fixed.

[*] Errors in the operation of HID.exe have been fixed.

[*] Problems with copying BotUI elements have been fixed.

[*] Fixed image corruption during Canvas emulation.

[*] Fixed getting {-Page.Dom-} from a page.

[*] When copying an action with a list / table, the file binding no longer flies.

[*] The work of the autosave of the project in the absence of space on the C: \ drive has been fixed.

[*] Fixed a bug with serialization of parameters.

[*] Errors when recognizing ReCaptcha2 via RuCaptcha and Anti-Captcha services have been fixed.