ZennoPoster (09.07.2013)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (09.07.2013)

New features:

[+] There are now new debug buttons in the debugger: "From the beginning", "Perform action", "Run to breakpoint", "Stop".

[+] The task manager has been redesigned.

[+] In the debugger, when you click "From the beginning", a confirmation dialog box appears.

[+] Optimized speed and memory consumption when working with large projects in the editor.

[+] Improved debugging speed when working with large projects.

[+] The size of the settings windows in the advanced editor can now be changed.

[+] Added keyboard shortcuts in the project editor.

[+] Improved adding actions in the advanced editor when dragging and pasting from the context menu. Previously, if the place under the cursor is occupied, the action was not added, now it is inserted into the nearest area.

[+] Added information about the current version and check for program updates at the top of the start page in ProjectMaker.

[+] Visual dialog in the debugger “Continue execution from cursor or from last action”.

[+] Optimized execution of C # macros in debugging in ProjectMaker.

[+] Project autosave timeout moved to settings.

[+] Minor improvements.

Fixed bugs:

[*] The function “Follow the cursor” has been completed. Now the page in the browser does not jump, the selected state is not reset, and the frame moves with a delay so that you can go to the element properties window or to the element tree.

[*] Attribute lists for Get and Set actions have been fixed in the action constructor.

[*] Scheduler deletes the trigger file after checking all tasks.

[*] No tips were displayed in the action “Browser → File to upload to server”.

[*] It was impossible to add a variable in the extended editor in the variables window.

[*] Operations with a profile work correctly without starting the project from the beginning.

[*] Fixed a bug with bulk downloading of letters, for some letters the sending date was incorrectly determined, which is why they were not downloaded.

[*] The CaptchaSaver module now creates a folder to save the picture if it is not there.

[*] The ContextRecognition tester is returned.

[*] Fixed PHP debugging in some cases.

[*] Minor fixes.