ZennoPoster (28.03.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (28.03.2019)

New features:

[+] Updated DevExpess components, which should increase UI responsiveness and reduce the number of bugs in it.

[+] When an error occurs in C # code at runtime, ProjectMaker shows the line where the error occurred, if possible.

[+] Improved emulation of clientHeight and clientWidth.

[+] Improved display when working with a browser without displaying content in Chrome. ProjectMaker displays the browser at a reduced frame rate so that you can debug the project. When executed in ZennoPoster, the display is not displayed to save resources, and also if you do not want to show what is happening in the browser for some reason.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed method for setting window size for Firefox.

[*] The work of the ReCaptcha2 recognition action has been fixed.

[*] Fixed disabling CSS styles in Firefox when closing all tabs.

[*] Fixed incorrect working of engine change from Firefox to Chrome in the project settings.

[*] Errors of compilation of common code and C # code have been fixed.

[*] Fixed display of the next launch time in the schedule.

[*] Automatic search for conditions for the Action Builder has been fixed.

[*] Fixed installation of drop-down lists in Chrome.

[*] Fixed deleting data in BotUI.

[*] Minor UI fixes.