ZennoPoster (04.06.2015)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (04.06.2015)

New features:

[+] ZennoPoster launch has been accelerated.

[+] Accelerated parsing of proxy sources.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed emulation of text input.

[*] The cause of falling instances in (1) has been fixed.

[*] Recognition of digital captchas through the JsDati module has been fixed.

[*] Fixed loss of focus in the manual captcha recognition module.

[*] Fixed loading files with long names via HTTP GET / POST.

[*] The work of POST requests with redirects has been fixed.

[*] Fixed loading multiple files at the same time.

[*] Fixed passing CSS settings for new browser tabs.

[*] Fixed operation of the If action when comparing with the emptyness of texts containing "! =" And "==".