ZennoPoster (09.04.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (09.04.2019)

New features:

[+] Regular expression processing errors are displayed in the regular expression constructor.

[+] Modifiers {CTRLDOWN}, {CTRLUP}, {SHIFTDOWN}, {SHIFTUP}, {ALTDOWN}, {ALTUP} and keys {CTRL}, {SHIFT}, {ALT} have been added to keyboard emulation.

[+] Added the checked field to the "Element properties" for radio and checkbox.

[+] Updated Microsoft Translate API to version 3 from version 2 (which will stop working on April 30, 2019).

[+] The stability of ZennoPoster has been improved.

[+] Group comments have been added to search by template.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed hotkeys when working on multiple monitors.

[*] In the C # code window, inserting variables and snippets replaces the selection.

[*] Various interface fixes.

[*] The problem with blocking access to directories used as a directory for downloading files in HTTP requests has been fixed (for the mode without HttpConnectionPool).

[*] The "Get proxy" action in ProjectMaker has been fixed.

[*] The operation of the "Reboot instance" action in ProjectMaker has been fixed.

[*] The problem of changing the number of worker threads in ZennoPoster has been fixed.

[*] Fixed adding a list to a table in any previously nonexistent column.

[*] Fixed Accept-Language setting in Firefox engines.

[*] Fixed sorting projects by status and other columns with images in ZennoPoster.

[*] The work of timeouts for HTTP requests has been fixed.

[*] Fixed mouse emulation in Chrome (problem with field selection).

[*] Fixed loading favicon in Firefox.

[*] The repeated taking of a proxy when taking and removing has been fixed.

[*] Fixed Firefox crash when setting connection restrictions.

[*] Fixed work of FullEmulationMouseMove and other actions after restarting an instance.