ZennoPoster (06.12.2018)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (06.12.2018)

New features:

[+] The ReCaptcha2 recognition algorithm in the tab has been updated to the current state.

[+] The built-in module for working with the Anti-Captcha.com service has been updated to API version V2.

[+] BotUI: Added LanguageSelection control.

[+] Added conversion of the Text Processing → Regex action to C # code.

[+] Optimization of the Diagnostics utility on systems with a large number of ZennoLab products.

Fixed bugs:

[*] The work of the installer on some systems has been fixed.

[*] Fixed a bug where the template was executed with an incorrect proxy format and ProjectMaker crash.

[*] Server addresses from the settings are now used for the ReCaptcha2 recognition action.

[*] Fixed work of the project.GetLastError (). Exception code in ZennoPoster and when debugging code in ProjectMaker.

[*] Fixed ZennoLab.AudioMute.exe behavior on some systems.

[*] Fixed errors in displaying traffic in ProjectMaker.

[*] Fixed the behavior of the "Completed" mode for the settings of actions in the Advanced Editor.

[*] The behavior of the window with the Mini-map of the project has been fixed.

[*] Improvements in the interface.