ZennoPoster (23.03.2017)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (23.03.2017)

New features:

[+] Added support for images with transparency for ZennoPoster when rotating.

[+] Added support for SMS service give-sms.com .

[+] Added the GetTraffic method to get the last URLs to which you navigate.

[+] Added the PageScale method for setting the page scale from the code.

[+] Added the GetBrowserPreference and SetBrowserPreference methods for managing browser settings.

[+] Improvements in automatic emulation of system time.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed a bug with opening some sites.

[*] Fixed a bug when setting the default time zone using cubes.

[*] Fixed opening pages in Yandex.Webmaster when emulating a time zone.

[*] Fixed mouse emulation on the tab created automatically.

[*] Fixed emulation of the mouse crawling off the screen (endless scrolling).

[*] The work of HTTP GET / POST with redirects has been fixed.

[*] When sending an element to the Constructor, its properties and focus in the element tree were not displayed.

[*] The error in the C # code has been fixed. Instance.SetProxy did not change the project.Proxy property.

[*] The error of loading a profile without a proxy has been fixed. This download did not clear the existing proxy.

[*] project.Proxy was not updated after returning from a nested project.

[*] The Spam folder was not processed when downloading mail from Gmail.

[*] The option "Remove old proxies" of the proxy source did not remove proxies from the live list.

[*] Changes in the documentation.

[*] Fixed minor bugs in the UI.