ZennoPoster (10.07.2013)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (10.07.2013)

New features:

[+] Added the ability to control the stop criterion via a bat file.

[+] Behavior of launching a project is first moved to settings.

[+] For C # macros, external links from outside the GAC can be included.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Hotfix for (the scheduler form does not open, zlib1.dll was missing).

[*] Added small icons for the debugger menu “From the beginning”, “Forward to action”, “Forward to breakpoint”, “Stop”.

[*] In the settings of the action “Operations on the table” → “Save to variables”, the table of variables is now stretched in all directions.

[*] The location and size of the toolbar in the advanced editor are now remembered.

[*] Action Text → To table no longer spoils table settings.