ZennoPoster (16.09.2015)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (16.09.2015)

New features:

[+] Expanded possibilities of working with ranges .

[+] Added support for transparent images used as watermarks in the "Image Processing" action. Transparent parts of the image are no longer filled with white.

[+] Improved the smoothness of character input when emulating a keyboard with long delays.

[+] Added setting “Remember the number of last open projects”, allows you to adjust the number of last open projects on the start page.

[+] Removed animation for hiding / showing windows in ProjectMaker in project records.

[+] In the action "Select a sublist" added the parameter "Exit by mistake if the list is empty".

[+] The "Convert to C #" menu item now takes into account variable macros.

[+] When recording mode is off in ProjectMaker, data from profile, variables and IntelliSearch are now inserted into fields.

[+] Improved error handling, more understandable error messages are written to the log.

[+] If the authorization data is incorrect, the “Work with mail” action ends after the first attempt.

[+] Updated GeoIP in ProxyChecker.

[+] Added display of error messages about “If” action in ZennoPoster.

[+] Added support for the BypassCaptcha service.

[+] Processing of proxy sources with JavaScript has been accelerated.

[+] Added C # method ZennoPoster.InterruptTask for interrupting tasks.

[+] Added property to C # project.Path , the same as project.Directory , only with a terminator \ at the end.

[+] Added C # method HtmlElement.Reload for solving problems of not working Flash objects.

[+] Added C # method ZennoPoster.ValidateEmail for checking mailbox validity.

[+] Added support for the luminati.io proxy service.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed disabling CSS.

[*] Fixed filling of some fields (login, name, etc.) with full emulation.

[*] Fixed authorization in social networks.

[*] The picking of the element's text has been fixed, now garbage is not taken in the text.

[*] Fixed downloading files.

[*] Fixed insertion via Ctrl + V.

[*] Some memory leaks have been fixed.

[*] Sound mute has been fixed.

[*] Fixed support for socks5 with authorization.

[*] Fixed getting instance.ActiveTab.Handle.

[*] Accessing the instance.ActiveTab.Title property no longer hangs.

[*] Cookies have been fixed.

[*] Fixed naming of files when loading them with HTTP requests.

[*] The work of disabling ads has been fixed.

[*] The handling of events for HTML elements not included in the current list of events (for example, paste) has been fixed.

[*] Fixed a bug in ProjectMaker when cutting and pasting several groups did not delete them.

[*] The problem of unlinking lists and tables from tasks has been fixed.

[*] Fixed clearing of unused variables if there is an action “Project in project” in the project.

[*] Fixed saving lists when changing them through C # code through the indexer.