ZennoPoster (29.01.2020)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (29.01.2020)

New features:

[+] Updated version of Chrome browser to 78.

[+] Improved WebGL and WebRTC emulation in Chrome.

[+] Added dns-over-proxy setting to the Chrome browser configuration file (base_cr.exe.config and pminstance.exe.config in the program directory).

[+] The "Detailed log" setting is no longer reset when the program is restarted.

[+] Detailed log is now turned on immediately after setting the setting and turned off only manually.

[+] Added action Files → Wait for file.

[+] Added action Directories → Wait for directory presence.

[+] Added the Action Text Processing → Split Text.

[+] Added action Browser → Settings → Waiting for user actions, analogue of instance.WaitForUserAction in C # code. Added message for waiting. Improved user interface waiting for user actions in ZennoPoster.

[+] Added the ability to select multiple masks using the | in action Directories -> Get file list.

[+] Added the option "Error with empty response" in the Text processing → Regex action.

[+] Updated vcredists supplied with the application.

[+] Now the installer sets the optimal TCP / IP stack settings.

[+] Added setting Other → Large Object Heap. Useful when handling large string data. For example, when autosearch is enabled in ProxyChecker.

[+] New macro {-Project.LastErrorComment-} and property project.LastErrorComment have been added. They will contain the comment of the last failed action, if any, or the error text, if possible.

[+] Improved unloading of lists and tables to disk. Now projects will be able to interact with lists and tables (initialize and perform actions on them) during upload to disk.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed authorization in Google in the Chrome browser.

[*] Fixed passing document.referrer when switching to a page from a cube in Chrome.

[*] The reasons for ZennoPoster threads freezing have been fixed.

[*] Fixed ProjectMaker freezing in case of browser freezing.

[*] Fixed freezing of the Chrome browser when clearing cookies.

[*] Fixed updating the URL in the address bar in ProjectMaker.

[*] The transfer of cookies through a proxy in the Chrome browser has been fixed (it appeared in test

[*] Fixed loading localstorage in Chrome. The error could lead to the loss of authorization on the site and other problems.

[*] The text of the error in the Settings → Installing certificate for Chrome browser action has been fixed.

[*] The disappearance of the "Put to variable" field in the settings window of the "Recaptcha" action has been fixed.

[*] Conversion of the following actions to C # has been fixed: Text → Split, Text → Regex, Settings (browser) → Waiting for user actions.

[*] Fixed a bug where temporary files for lists and tables were not cleared.

[*] Changes to instance.WaitForUserAction no longer affect already published projects (manifested in test

[*] Fixed copying of lists and tables to which the file is not linked between projects in ProjectMaker.

[*] Fixed some errors of debugging C # code in ProjectMaker.

[*] The operation of the Settings → Instance → Mute setting has been fixed. ZennoPoster no longer mutes audio to third-party processes.

[*] Fixed rendering in Chrome with a small browser width.

[*] The reasons for the freezing of the Chrome browser on some sites or in the popup have been fixed.

[*] Problems with alternative HTTP requests on some sites have been fixed.

[*] The use of the numeric designation of the table column when reading cells has been fixed.

[*] Filenames are no longer converted to lowercase when downloading via HTTP requests or browser.

[*] When debugging code in ProjectMaker, the correct tab now opens in the shared code.

[*] The check of the proxy format with the wrong proxy type has been fixed.

[*] Fixed XML parsing error due to invalid characters.

[*] Fixed display of Content-Type in the traffic monitor for alternative HTTP requests.

[*] The error of performing the Restart instance action for a new unsaved project has been fixed.

[*] Problems with spaces in headers in alternative HTTP requests have been fixed.

[*] The operation of container cookies in alternative HTTP requests has been fixed.

[*] Now, when using the HTTP Connection Pool and alternative HTTP requests, connections are closed in time.

[*] Fixed export of input settings, now DropDown / DropDownMultiSelect exports correct values.

[*] Now, when the maximum number of rows in a table is exceeded, the action of writing to the table crashes with a corresponding error.

[*] The work of searching in a field with a code in C # code and JavaScript actions has been fixed.

[*] Now, when an error occurs with the time zone, the entire date is displayed, not just the time.

[*] Fixed adding new namespaces for global variables inside an action.

[*] The reasons for the hang of the extended form for setting up actions with mail have been fixed.

[*] The reasons for the hang of the Proxy installation action with the emulation settings enabled have been fixed.

[*] Now you cannot accidentally delete columns in the traffic window.

[*] Fixed error with HttpConnectionPool when working with proxies with the same IP, but different ports.

[*] Fixed updating of GeoIP database.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.