ZennoPoster (02.10.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (02.10.2019)

New features:

[+] Optimized launching of databases from Chrome in ZennoPoster.

[+] Now you can update the TrafficItem content, or wait for a response to a request. The Refresh, WaitResponse, WaitResponseAsync methods have been added to the TrafficItem object.

[+] A new checkbox "Do not clear traffic automatically when Navigate" has appeared in the instance settings (a restart is required to apply the setting).

[+] Added Serbia flag for ProxyChecker.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed saving and loading proxy database ProxyChecker.

[*] Fixed work of regular expressions in browser content policies.

[*] The problem, when an empty response to a request to some sites via an alternative HTTP method, was received.

[*] Fixed interruption of waiting for ReCaptcha2 recognition.

[*] Fixed display of SMS services in BotUI.