ZennoPoster (26.12.2017)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (26.12.2017)

New features:

[+] Improved font emulation. Added property instance.FontsFolder , which allows you to add fonts without installing them into the system.

[+] Added methods for working with time zones in IANA format: instance.GetIanaTimezone and instance.SetIanaTimezone (work on Firefox 52+ engines).

[+] Improved search for active ReCaptcha2 with a standard action when recognizing through recognition services.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Hotfix: fixed emulation of time zones.

[*] Disabled emulation WebGL2 in Firefox 45, because she is not there.

[*] Fixed crash of ProjectMaker when accessing BotUI on a 32-bit system.

[*] Fixed updating of element properties when examining an element.