ZennoPoster (21.11.2017)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (21.11.2017)

New features:

[+] Optimization of the launch and operation of the browser base.

[+] Restored work with the standard KeyCaptcha (requires a CapMonster license to work).

[+] Added a setting that allows you to disable notifications in the log when using a multi-browser (Settings → Debugging → Show warning about an unsuitable browser version).

[+] Enabling the required browser version using C # (method void Instance.Launch (BrowserType type, bool useProfile)).

[+] Improved program stability.

[+] Improvements to the interface.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Bugfixes in BotUI when clearing unused variables.

[*] Fixed import of BotUI input settings.

[*] Fixed display of text in BotUI.

[*] The problem with macros in static CodeCreator blocks has been fixed.

[*] The problem when Firefox 52 crashed when clearing the cache for a specific domain was fixed.

[*] Fixed saving of proxy sources when restarting the program.

[*] Interface fixes.

[*] The operation of the sms-reg.com service has been fixed .

[*] The GetSmsOnline service has been fixed.