ZennoPoster (11.09.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (11.09.2019)

New features:

[+] Updated Chrome engine to version 76.

[+] Improved emulation of special characters input in Chrome.

[+] Added an alternative method for sending HTTP requests. The choice of the method is possible globally in the program settings in the "Execution" tab or locally in the project settings.

[+] Added the ability to remove default headers in HTTP requests in C # code (removeDefaultHeaders argument).

[+] In case of unsuccessful transition to the page, a message is now written to the log.

[+] When sending an HTTP request with a non-existent file, a message is now written to the log.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed sending cookies when solving ReCaptcha3.

[*] Fixed auto-tuning of mail reception.

[*] Fixed copying of lists / tables.

[*] Fixed copying of action Id from the log.

[*] The problem with encoding * in HTTP requests has been fixed (use an alternative method for sending requests).

[*] The problem with an infinite redirect due to conversion of the + sign in HTTP requests has been fixed (use an alternative method for sending requests).

[*] Determination of used memory by instance has been fixed.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.