ZennoPoster (07.08.2013)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (07.08.2013)

New features:

[+] Now messages in alerts are also written to the execution log.

[+] In case of errors in the project, a user comment to the failed action is written to the log, if any.

[+] Added the Tab.MouseMove method that allows emulating mouse movement in the current tab.

[+] Added the Tab.MouseClick method to emit mouse button events in the current tab.

[+] Table with classic element search in action properties now resizes correctly, taking up all available space, similarly to other action settings containing tables, adapted to resizing.

[+] The position of the quick access buttons bar is now saved when the program is restarted.

[+] In the debug settings, you can now increase the size of notifications.

[+] Minor improvements.

Fixed bugs:

[*] ZennoPoster memory consumption has been reduced.

[*] Fixed behavior of IntelliSearch during debugging and recording.

[*] ProjectMaker and ZennoPoster work correctly if they use the same file for lists and tables at the same time.

[*] Fixed some bugs when using HTTP POST and multipart / form-data.

[*] The choice of the folder for downloading files will be extended to the GET / POST action.

[*] The C # macro tester did not work if external assemblies (not from the GAC) were connected.

[*] Fixed some CodeCreator errors when debugging PHP code.

[*] The comment / uncomment buttons for PHP in CodeCreator did not work.

[*] The delimiter is no longer reset when merging the list strings.

[*] The error of stopping synchronization of a table linked to a file during dynamic linking to a file has been fixed.

[*] Fixed bug when clicking on some Flash objects.

[*] Errors that could lead to the reset of variable values during project editing have been fixed.

[*] Optimized CPU consumption.

[*] Fixed freeze when working with FTP in case of disconnection. Now exits with an error.

[*] Setting drop-down list values from profile macros now works correctly when IntelliSearch is off.

[*] Large captcha no longer overlaps the captcha text input field when typing manually.

[*] When deleting a variable from “Auto”, the selected category is not reset.

[*] Fixed loss of focus with the project editor in debug mode.

[*] Minor fixes.