ZennoPoster (03.12.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (03.12.2019)

New features:

[+] Improved Chrome stability.

[+] Added support for GPU rendering in Chrome.

[+] Improved randomization for all actions that require random values.

[+] Action The transition to the page will be completed with an error if the page does not load in Chrome.

[+] Added the ability to get collections of global variables. In the C # code, the project.GlobalVariables object has been added an IEnumerable <string> Namespaces property to get a collection of global variable namespaces and an indexer that accepts only the IEnumerable <IGlobalVariable> this [string nameSpace] namespace to get a collection of global variables by namespace.

[+] Improved error messages when launching your projects from the purchased templates folder.

[+] Added new action Directory → Check directory existence.

Fixed bugs:

[*] The reasons for ZennoPoster threads freezing have been fixed.

[*] The bug that caused errors in the action constructor and getting the DOM in the Chrome browser has been fixed.

[*] It is forbidden to set the resolution to 50505 * 50505, which caused Chrome to hang.

[*] The work of http proxy in the alternative method of HTTP requests has been fixed.

[*] Fixed redefinition of the Host header when redirecting in an alternative way of HTTP requests.

[*] Now the macro of the current hour is present in the drop-down list with TimeNow macros.

[*] The error of saving the template when using some symbols in it has been fixed.

[*] Rendering of the Switch action has been fixed.

[*] Fixed display of variables in the Set value from variable context menu.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.