ZennoPoster (14.11.2019)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (14.11.2019)

New features:

[+] Added reCAPTCHA v3 recognition to most services.

[+] The environment variables tab is now updated automatically when navigating to pages or changing the browser tab.

[+] Now the "Use CookieContainer" option in HTTP request actions is enabled by default.

[+] Added the "Line wrapping in C # block by default" setting in the Settings → Editor block.

[+] Added the ability to pass an empty User-Agent or not send it at all in HTTP requests via C # code. To pass an empty User-Agent, the arguments UserAgent = "", removeDefaultHeaders = true must be set. In order not to pass User-Agent, you must set the arguments UserAgent = null, removeDefaultHeaders = true.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed hanging of instances in ZennoPoster (in case of Instance.PrepareInstance errors).

[*] Fixed a bug when the list of projects in ZennoPoster could disappear.

[*] The error when the input settings could be reset has been fixed.

[*] The appearance of the warning "Increase the size of the canvas to fit the Label" in ZennoPoster, which led to the blocking of the program, has been fixed.

[*] Fixed saving the settings for the "Text processing → Replace" action.

[*] Fixed copying of variables when copying the action "Project in project".

[*] Fixed work of project.Profile in CodeCreator.

[*] Other fixes and improvements.