ZennoPoster (17.08.2017)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (17.08.2017)

New features:

[+] Added audio fingerprint emulation in the browser. At the start of the project, a unique fingerprint is generated, it is written to the profile, when saving and then loading the profile, the fingerprint is restored. Added corresponding C # property - AudioContextMode .

[+] Added emulation of playback devices in WebRTC.

[+] Added the simultaneous launch of several templates in the Task Manager (Task groups have appeared, the groups are executed in order. Patterns from a group start at the same time, if a group is broken by another group, then these are different groups).

[+] Drag-And-Drop for virtual mouse. The tab now has C # methods FullEmulationMouseDragAndDrop (int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) and FullEmulationMouseDragAndDrop (HtmlElement fromHe, HtmlElement toHe).

[+] Added Blacklist for proxy sources in ZennoPoster.

[+] Added folder selection in BotUI.

[+] Added the ability to delete processed e-mail.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Problems in WebRTC emulation on page reload have been fixed.

[*] Fixed work of Google translator via translate.google.com website.

[*] The problem with downloading files via Flash has been fixed.

[*] Fixed disabling of RSS sources in ProxyChecker.

[*] The appearance of the proxy sending point for the CapMonster2.dll module in the ReCaptcha2 action has been fixed.

[*] The problem with emulating the time zone on Yandex mail has been fixed.

[*] Fixed clicks of the sound card when starting the program.

[*] Improvements in work stability.

[*] Fixed interfering auto-completion in input fields in actions.

[*] The problem with sorting tasks by time in ZennoPoster has been fixed.