ZennoPoster (19.07.2018)

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View the original article in Russian: ZennoPoster (19.07.2018)

New features:

[+] New nationalities in the profile: England, France, Germany, Spain.

[+] The name of the list or table can be specified immediately upon creation.

[+] Exceptions for ZennoPoster.Db methods (throwException parameter, false by default).

[+] Optimization of work of lists and tables without synchronization with the file.

[+] Added the option "Do not save new project", which removes the save dialog for new projects after clicking the "From the beginning" button.

Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed a bug with reassigning Hotkeys after restarting the program.

[*] ZennoPoster.AudioMute correctly mutes sound, including in Flash.

[*] Fixed some errors that occurred during step-by-step debugging of C # code.

[*] Fixed texts of errors that occurred when publishing projects.

[*] Fixed setting of table row and column separators via C #.

[*] Bugfixes in POST / GET-requests.

[*] Bugfixes in CookieContainer.