Recording (PM ZD)

Recording (PM ZD)


This tab contains settings that are activated when the project entry is enabled.

Automatically insert project directory macro

If the setting is enabled, it works even when the project is turned off.

In ZennoDroid there are environment variables. Among them there is such - {-project.directory-}, in this variable it is stored the path to the directory where the project file is saved (if the project is not saved on the disk, then the variable contains an empty string).

If this setting is enabled, then when creating a project in all settings and action ProjectMaker will try to substitute the project directory macro (if the specified path is in the same folder as the project file or in one of the subfolders).

Record action by coordinates

If this setting is activated, then when recording a project, all clicks inside the emulator window will be recorded by coordinates. The project will be added action to the Touch emulation in which coordinates will be automatically added, where you have pressed.

When working on the coordinates, it is important that the size of the emulator was the same during the creation and execution of the project!
You can set the size using the action "Actions with Virtual Machine" and its "Screen Size" subfunction.

Click recording through picture search

When this setting is enabled ("Record”) then each time you click on the Emulator window, the Touch will be added via the Search by picture.

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