Virtual Machine (ZD) Actions

Virtual Machine (ZD) Actions

Table of contents


This action is used to interact directly with a virtual machine (VM).

There are many actions, so the article is logically divided into two groups:

  1. Actions on a virtual machine - create, remove, start, clone, etc.

  2. Virtual machine settings - language setting, proxy, rendering mode, resolution, etc.

How to add an action to a project?

Via context menu Add Action -> Android -> Actions with virtual machine

Actions on a virtual machine (VM)

This section describes “external” actions with VMs - creating, removing, starting, stopping, copying, importing, exporting, etc.


Using this action, you can select the VM with which you will work.

Full name or index - the name of the virtual machine (1), as indicated in the Multi-Memu window, or index (2) (index numbering from zero).

If nothing is specified here, a random VM will be selected.

Put index\VM name to variable - allows you to save the name\index of the selected VM into variables.

You can read more about how to select and run a VM correctly in the article Selecting and starting a virtual machine.


Runs the VM selected in the previous function.
Or it restarts an already running VM.

IMPORTANT: Before starting, you must definitely select the VM with which the program will work.
You can read more about how to select and run a VM correctly in the article Select and run a virtual machine.


Stops a running VM.


This function allows you to create a new VM.
When created, new data will be generated for the device (IMEI, MAC, etc.).

Version - Android version of the VM being created. Available values - 5.1, 7.1, 7.1 x64 (only for x64 systems).

By default, only version 7.1 is available, in order to be able to work with other versions, you must first download them. Read more in the article - Installing ZennoDroid and MEmu

Name - the name for the created VM.
You can leave the field blank, then the default value will be selected.

Put index\VM name to variable - allows you to save the name\index of the created VM in variables.


Change the name of the current VM.


Making a copy of the current VM

Name - the name for the created VM copy.

Put index\VM name to variable - allows you to save the name \ index of the created VM copy into variables.


Allows you to load a VM from a file (you can create a file using the Export function, described below).

Path to file (ova) - path to the file in which the VM is saved

Name - the name for the imported VM.

Put index\VM name to variable - allows you to save the name\index of the imported VM into variables.


This function creates a complete copy of the VM, with all the settings, and saves it to a file with the .ova extension.
This file can be transferred to another computer and connected using the Import function (described above).

Path to file (ova) - the path where the VM will be saved.

Full reset

Resets the state of the current VM to its default state.
Device IDs generated during creation will remain unchanged.

A full reset is needed in order not to delete/create the machine again because creation is a very resource-intensive action and takes a long time to complete. Hard reset without restoring the system partition is much faster.

Restore system partition - is it necessary to recover the system partition?

No application without superuser rights can write anything to the system partition. If you set the messenger, then there are no records in the system will not be.

Writing to the system partition occurs only explicitly. For example, if you installed the Xposed Framework, then to restore the machine to its original state, you will need to mark the box.


Allows you to remove VM.

Full name or index - is the name of the virtual machine (1), as it is indicated in the Multi-Memu window, or index (2) (index numbering from zero).

Get list

Save all available virtual machines on the list.

What to get - choose what exactly you need to save the indexes of VM or their names (names).

Put to list - a list where the result of the work will be saved.

Virtual Machine Settings (VM)

This part describes the functions for configuring the virtual machine - WiFi Mac, productivity, proxy, resolution, rendering mode, etc.

Device id settings

Using this feature, you can change the parameters such as IMEI, Android ID (device identifier), IMSI, SIM Serial (SIM Card Serial Number).

Mobile operator

All data for this action can be found on this site http://www.mcc-mnc.com/

Country - Two letters (ISO column)

Operator code - is a set of values from columns MCC and MNC (25002 for Megaphone, 25013 - Kuban GSM).

Operator name - Network column (Baykal Westcom, Beeline / Vimpelcom, MTS)

Phone number - format +7XXXXXXXXXX either without a sign "plus" in started 7XXXXXXXXXX

Device model

Manufacturer - Manufacturer of Emulated Device (Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Google, Meizu, etc.)

Model - a model of an emulated device. You can find in Build.prop (described below)

ro.Product.Brand - usually the same as the Manufacturer. If this value is not specified in this field, it is taken from the Manufacturer.

ro.Product.Board - Usually in modern phones, this field is empty. It is more relevant for old phone models.

ro.Hardware - You can find in Build.prop (described below).

How to find data for fields ro.product.board, ro.hardware?

It is necessary to find data manually.

To do this, make a request to the search system of the following type build.prop <phone_Model>.

An example of a request.prop Samsung S10 request, go to one of the results and the data you are interested in in the message text:

ro.product.board = no

The model can be found in such names:


How to view the parameters of your phone?

To do this, you need to execute the getprop command in the Terminal (Application Example - Terminal Emulator for Android).

Set WiFi Mac

Here you can install a new MAC address of the device.

Format -XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX or XXXXXXXXXXXX (12 characters)


Configure computer resources allocated for VM.

Processors - the number of processor cores allocated to the emulator.

RAM (MB) - is the number of allocated RAM in MB (minimum value - 512 MB, maximum - 65536).
Important: For Android x86 you can set no more than 4 Gb RAM. To be able to set more RAM you have to use Android x64

In most cases, there will be enough interval of 1 CPU + 1 GB of RAM - 2 CPUs + 2 GB of RAM

The resources allocated for the emulator are taken away from the host (the computer on which the emulator is installed). If you give all the memory and all the available cores of the processor emulator, the host system will start to slow down. Due to the fact that it slows down the host, it will slow down and the emulator.

Start with minimum indicators and add resources as needed.

Screen size

Here you can configure the width, height, as well as pixel density on an inch (DPI) screen of VM.

Density (DPI) - You can set any values in the range from 40 to 640. It is best to adhere to standard Memu indicators:

Rendering mode

Switching the rendering mode between OpenGL and DirectX.

This setting more concerns games. The optimal value will have to calculate the experimental way, because Some games will work with OpenGL, others with DirectX. The video card and its driver also affects.

Root user mode

This action allows you to enable/disable root access to the device.

Shared folders

In this action, you can configure paths to Windows to shared folders.

Shared folders allow you to conveniently send files from\in the emulator.

Category - For one virtual machine, you can configure up to 4 shared folders.


Path in Memu

Path in Windows (by default)*


Path in Memu

Path in Windows (by default)*



C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\MEmu Download



C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos\MEmu Video



C:\Users\USERNAME\Music\MEmu Music



C:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\MEmu Photo

USERNAME - replace to the user name under which you work in Windows

Path - path to Windows directory for the selected category.

Set language

This feature allows you to change the emulator language.

Available values - en, ko, de, ja, fr, ru, es, pt, hr, cn, sr, it, cs, th, in, pl, tr, uk, ar, vi, fil

Set proxy

Allows you to install a proxy for the entire VM.

The proxy is better to install before running the emulator.

You can also put for already running VM, but it is worth considering that some applications can send data before you do it.

Example: You run the emulator, wait for its downloads and only then install the proxy. During the time period between loading the emulator and the application, the application can send data through your real IP address.


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