ProjectMaker for ZennoDroid Start Page

ProjectMaker for ZennoDroid Start Page

The Start Screen is where ProjectMaker starts!

The start screen contains 3 main blocks:

  1. Your ZennoDroid

  2. Start

  3. Your projects

Your ZennoDroid

This screen contains the following information:

  1. Current version of the program

  2. The term until which the program is paid.

You can get acquainted with the tariffs for updating your version in your personal account


In this block, you can:

  1. Create a new project

  2. Open project from file

  3. Contact support

  4. Open a forum where you can discuss the program, ask a question or report a bug

  5. Open video tutorials

  6. Open help in a browser

  7. Open program settings

Your projects

This block shows your last open projects. The number of displayed projects can be changed in Settings → Editor → Remember the number of last open projects.

Pinning projects

If you often work on individual projects, you can pin them.

  1. Right click on the project and select Pin

  2. The pinned project will be pinned at the top of the list

  3. Also, you can unpin them via the same menu:

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