Обычные макросы => C# макросы
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Work with text
Let's say the yourText variable stores your text.
Regular macro | C # macro |
String.SubString | yourText.Substring(…) |
var yourText = "For the second time in three years...";
return yourText.Substring(3,10);
String.Replace | yourText.Replace(…) |
var yourText = "For the second time in three years...";
return yourText.Replace("For","*");
String.Insert | yourText.Insert(…) |
var yourText = "For the second time in three years...";
return yourText.Insert(0, "Hi there.");
String.ToUpper | yourText.ToUpper() |
String.ToLower | yourText.ToLower() |
String.Split | Macros.TextProcessing.Split(…) |
var yourText = "email:password";
return Macros.TextProcessing.Split(yourText,":","0").First();
String.SplitCount | yourText.Split(…).Length |
var yourText = "email:password";
return Macros.TextProcessing.Split(yourText,":","all").Count();
String.RemoveDuplicates | Macros.TextProcessing.RemoveDuplicates(…) |
var yourText = "email:password:email";
return Macros.TextProcessing.RemoveDuplicates(yourText,":");
String.Enter | System.Environment.NewLine |
var yourText = "email"+System.Environment.NewLine +"password";
return yourText;
String.Spintax | Macros.TextProcessing.Spintax(…) |
var yourText = "{Hi|Hey}";
return Macros.TextProcessing.Spintax(yourText);
Profile and personal data
Regular macro | C # macro |
Profile.Age | project.Profile.Age |
… | |
Profile.Login | project.Profile.Login |
… | |
Profile.ZipCode | project.Profile.ZipCode |
Random variables
Regular macro | C # macro |
Random.Int | Random.Next(…) |
var r = new Random();
return r.Next(1,100);
Random.Double | Random.NextDouble() |
var r = new Random();
return r.NextDouble();
Files and directories
Regular macro | C # macro |
File.GetString | Macros.FileSystem.FileGetLine() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
return Macros.FileSystem.FileGetLine(path,"2",false);
File.GetBlock | Macros.FileSystem.FileGetBlock() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
return Macros.FileSystem.FileGetBlock(path,System.Environment.NewLine,"all",false);
File.AppendString | Macros.FileSystem.FileAppendString() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
return Macros.FileSystem.FileAppendString(path,"new line", true);
File.CountOfStrings | Macros.FileSystem.FileCountOfLines() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
return Macros.FileSystem.FileCountOfLines(path);
File.Copy | Macros.FileSystem.FileCopy() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
Directory.CountOfFiles | Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryCountOfFiles() |
var path = @"D:\";
return Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryCountOfFiles(path);
Directory.RandomFile | Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryRandomFile() |
var path = @"D:\";
return Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryRandomFile(path);
Directory.DeleteFileByMask | Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryDeleteFileByMask() |
var path = @"D:\";
Directory.DeleteFile | Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryDeleteFile() |
var path = @"D:\file.txt";
Directory.SelfFile | Macros.FileSystem.DirectoryDeleteDirectory() |
var path = @"D:\";
Regular expressions
string regex = project.Variables["myRegEx"].Value;
string text = project.Variables["textToParse"].Value;
var reg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(regex, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None);
return reg.Matches(text)[0];
Regular macro | C # macro |
Counter.Set | var counter = 0; |
Counter.Add | counter++; |
Counter.Multiple | counter = counter*2; |
Counter.Get | return counter; |
In order to work with project variables in the code, you must use the following construction:
var tmp = project.Variables["variable"].Value;
var counter = System.Convert.ToInt32(tmp);
Global Variables
To work with global variables in the code, its value is taken using the following construction:
var tmp = project.GlobalVariables["license@email.com","globVar"].Value;
var counter = System.Convert.ToInt32(tmp);
Operations with global variables are similar to operations with counters.