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View the original article in Russian: Логика

The logic of the If and Switch actions is implemented based on JS (JavaScript), therefore it has its own syntactic features.

The logic implies only returning two values - true and false .

Boolean expressions are evaluated from left to right.

In logic, you can use variables as operands - {-Variable.varName-}

Syntactic features

Syntactic features are based on comparison of different data types. Data in logic can be divided into two types - numeric and non-numeric (text).

You don't need to use quotes when comparing numbers.

When comparing text, use quotes. Similarly, when comparing variables, if they contain text.

The quotes can be either single '' or double "".

Action - If

Logical operators:

< - Less

> - More

== - Equal

! = - Not equal

<= - Less than or equal

> = - Greater than or equal

Complement operators:

|| - Or

&& - AND

Action - Switch

The Switch action is an extended version of the If statement with its own peculiarities.

If the action has two threads If output - true and false, then Switch action may have several branches at the output true, and only one false - which represented a yield of Default. You can use variables in the Switch action.


A pause is used to interrupt the execution for a certain period of time - in seconds. You can use variables.

Static (fixed) value:

Random within the interval:

Alert alert

Pop-up window. 

It makes sense to use when executing projects in 1 thread or manually supporting the implementation of the project. When you need to get the value of a variable or any other text at intermediate stages of execution. Get information about passing control points in your project.


BadEnd "action" serves as a starting point, provided that at least one action from the main series is executed with an error - Start.

Can be used for:

  • returning data back to lists and tables for their subsequent use without loss;

  • zeroing the values of variables;

  • creating a BlackList for invalid data.


GoodEnd "action" serves as a starting point, subject to the successful completion of the entire series of actions from the main series - Start.

Can be used for:

  • saving summary data;

  • transferring a command for execution to another project from a group of projects executed after the completion of the previous one;

  • creating a WhiteList for valid data.

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