🔷 Project editor
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The Project Editor in ProjectMaker is the primary place to work with projects.
Let's see what it consists of?
Open projects panel
Action bar
Current selected project
The currently selected action
Properties of the selected action
Project static blocks panel
Open projects panel
When you open multiple projects, they are all arranged as tabs in the editor panel. If the tabs do not fit, you can use the special menu:
Action bar
The action bar contains all the huge functionality of the program, it is over a hundred functions. All available actions can be found here: Actions
See how you can add an action to your project:
In addition, the action bar can be docked so that it is not hidden.
Current project and selected action
You can determine which project you are in by paying attention to the state of the tabs in the panel of open projects.
In addition, you can call the context menu and perform some actions with the project. To do this, right-click on the project tab.
The action you have chosen is highlighted with a frame.
To select a specific action, you must click on it with the left mouse button .
Action properties
In this block, you can customize each action. After This field displays all the functionality of the selected action. More details can be found in the Actions section.
Also, you can open several actions at once. Read more: Open multiple action settings in “…” mode
Static Blocks Panel
Here you can add List , Table , Google Spreadsheet , Input project settings , Bot interface , FTP settings, Links from the GAC , Using directives and shared code ...
You can find out more about it in this section .
Browser window
Everything that happens is displayed here. Automated clicks, test entry and other actions. By clicking on the Record button, you can record any actions that you perform in the browser window. The required actions are automatically added to the project.