Instance Settings

Instance Settings

Table of contents

Default browser

Choosing the default browser. You can also change the browser at the template level in the project settings, or through the “Run instance” action.

This option available in ProjectMaker only.

Timeout for loading a base

The time allotted to start a new thread within the running process.

Timeout for executing a command in instance

The time to wait for the execution of any command in the instance (any action).

Timeout for initializing objects

The time allotted for loading a web page is sometimes required to load some elements (for example, captchas). Sometimes, when the page is not fully loaded, the message "html element not found" is displayed. In this case, you can try increasing this parameter, but remember, increasing it leads to an increase in the template execution time.

Min. number of completed tasks before instance reboot

Until this number of tasks is completed, the database will not reboot.

Number of completed tasks before forced instance reboot

The number of tasks after which the database of instances will necessarily reboot (regardless of their success). Also, you can forcibly restart an instance using the “Restart the Instance” action inside the template.

Maximum amount of memory

The maximum amount of memory consumed by one instance, after which the database of instances will be forcibly marked for reboot.

Maximum amount of memory used during template operation

Added in

Limit on the amount of allocated RAM for one thread. If during operation the thread exceeds the value specified in this setting, then it will be forcibly terminated with a message to the log “The project was stopped because the memory limit was exceeded”.

Inactive base lifetime

Base lifetime in an inactive state.

Timeout between the launch of bases

Delays between base launches. Helps prevent peak CPU loads on slower computers.

Path to cookies and cache

Path for storing temporary files (preferably stored in the program folder).

Also, files downloaded using the ProjectMaker browser will be saved in this folder.

By default, this folder is located in the directory of the installed program, the path to it may look like this -C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\RU\ZennoPoster Pro V7\\Progs\Trash\

Process all Windows messages that are currently in the queue

Allows the application to process all events that might occur while the instance is running.

Do not capture focus from other processes (some websites may not work properly)

Allows you to avoid screen flickering and loss of active focus of the application when running ZennoPoster, but you need to check that your projects are not broken, because some sites require correct switching of focus for the browser during operation (for example VK).

Do not clear automatically stored traffic after navigating to a new page

Disables clearing the request log in the traffic window on each page transition. This option can also be controlled at the template level from C# code:

instance.ClearTrafficWhenNavigate = false; // Disable cleaning instance.ClearTrafficWhenNavigate = true; // Enable cleaning

Force execution of FireFox background jobs

Allows you to force the instance to work when it hangs. If you do not have strange hangs when the template is working on the site, it is better not to use this setting.

Mute instance

Mutes audio when working in an instance.

Use GPU. Required for using WEBGL

The rendering of the execution of project activities will be accelerated through the use of a graphics card.

Enable GPU hardware acceleration for processing animations (Chrome)

Disables\Allows to perform rasterization on the GPU.

Enabling this setting without a built-in GPU accelerator can lead to unstable performance.

Disable plugins cleaning

Prevents cleaning of Firefox plugins

Disable history clearing

Prevents clearing history for Firefox


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