ProxyChecker settings
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This article is copied from the ZennoProxyChecker reference, because Settings are identical in both programs. Original - Main Settings.
Inside this article, screenshots may meet, internal reference links and other things that belong to ZennoproxyChecker.
Table of contents
Proxy checking server address
Selecting a proxy check server from the list of addresses.
The URLs that the program uses to check the proxy.
By default, there are three addresses, but you can add your own.
Test button
After pressing it, the program will sequentially check the addresses from the List above for operability.
The test will end when the first working validation server is found. Or when you run out of addresses on the list.
Here the address will be indicated, with the help of which all proxies will be checked for whether they are alive or not.
This includes the first work address from the List.
Operation settings
Consider non-anonymous proxies as dead
The program will filter non-anonymous proxies and display only anonymous ones.