Other ZennoPoster settings
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Table of contents
General settings
Disable program crash reporting (globally)
Sometimes, due to internal browser problems, the instance crashes, ZennoPoster catches it and restores the crashed instance. If, when the instance crashes, a window appears with a message about the error that has occurred, then there is a chance that the instance will not be able to reboot.
Disable the task settings recovery dialog
Disables the ability to recovery settings in case of an abnormal program termination. We do not recommend disabling this option. It can be useful in a situation when this window blocks the autorun of ZennoPoster.
Ignore scheduler jobs for running tasks
If the project is running at the time of running in the scheduler, then the scheduler task will start only after the completion of execution.
Minimize ZennoPoster to tray
When the program window is minimized, it will be unloaded to the tray.
Monitor threads status
Enables tracking of the state of threads in the program. For statistics. Do not turn on unless this information is required when you contact support.
Compacts the large object heap once every
After what period of time to compress a bunch of large objects. This function is useful when processing large string data. For example, when autosearch is enabled in ProxyChecker.
Automatically continue executing active tasks after restart
Whether it is necessary to continue executing the tasks that were active before the program was closed.
Theme of design
This setting is available only in ZennoPoster!
How to customize the appearance in ProjectMaker read the article - Appearance
Project directory settings
This setting is available only in ZennoPoster!
Projects that will be sold to you by other users will be saved in this folder.
A directory will be automatically created for each seller (either the developer's email or his ZennoLab ID will be used as the name), and project files will be loaded inside the directories.
You cannot manually copy projects to this folder!
Log settings
Disable log auto-scrolling, only when clicking on log record
Autoscrolling of log entries will be disabled only after clicking on a log entry.
Display alerts only in log
Messages displayed using the Notification action will be displayed only in the log, without a pop-up window. Regardless of the action settings.
Show date in log
Additionally show the current date in the log.
Show a notification in the log about a sucessfull execution
Notification in the log about successful project execution.
Show notification in log if the project was not completed sucessfully
Notification in the log of unsuccessful project execution.
Keep records in the hours log
The maximum storage time for a record in the log.
Max records to keep for one task
The number of entries in the log for one task.
The maximum value is 9999
Maximum size of a log entry (kilobytes)
Limit on the maximum record size that can be displayed in the log window.
Limit the maximum size of entries in the log file (kilobytes)
This setting limits the size of the record that can be saved to the log file.
Log files are stored in the directory with ZennoPoster installed in the Logs folder.
Possible way -C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\RU\ZennoPoster Pro V7\\Progs\Logs\
For users who work with big data and do not need a full log, it is recommended to enable the restriction, because this will increase the performance of ZennoPoster and reduce memory consumption.
For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the program
Detailed log (Debug information for developers)
Records details of the job, which may be needed when contacting support.
Diagnostic utility (diagnostic.exe) for information when problems occur. After execution, a report.zip file will be created in the ZennoPoster installation directory.
Instructions on how to correctly make the Diagnostics are located at this link.
Save settings
Manager for saving the current program settings. To save the settings, you need to start the manager and close the program.
Restore Settings
Manager for restoring program settings which were saved by the save settings manager. It is necessary to start the manager and exit the program.
Reset settings
Reset the current program settings to their default values.
This string consists of a combination of letters and numbers, unique for each version of the program. As well as the release dates.
The value in this field can be highlighted and copied using the context menu (sample under the spoiler)