💻Browser window

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The browser window is one of the main elements of ProjectMaker for building site automation templates. In fact, a browser window is a browser instance with additional tools that make it easier and faster to develop projects.

The window consists of the upper and lower toolbars and, in fact, the viewing area or working area of the browser. In many ways, the functionality and work with this window is similar to work in a regular browser.


Let's take a look at all the browser window tools.

Open tabs (tabs) area

Panel (1) displays all currently open browser tabs. Using the button on the right side of the panel (2), you can open the list for quick navigation through the open tabs.

You can control the creation of tabs, as well as their activation and closing, through the Manage Browser Tab (browser tab control) action

“Back” button

Navigates through the history of opening web pages and returns to the previous page of the site. A similar action can be executed using the code:

C#: instance.ActiveTab.GoBack();
JS: history.back();

“Refresh page” button

Reloads the current page. During page loading, it changes its appearance to a cross, by clicking on which you can stop the page loading process.

Address bar


A field for entering, editing and displaying the page URL. Similar to the address bar of regular browsers.

Go to page

Confirms the following URL entered in the address bar. The same effect can be achieved simply by pressing the ENTER key.

The main way to open a link in a browser is to use the Go to Page action (Open Page/Navigate)

“New tab” button

Opens a modal window in which you need to enter the name of the new tab. The same action can be executed using the "cube" Browser tab control (browser tab)

Input mode

Switches the browser data entry mode to “mouse” or “touch”. Serves mainly for one task - in the “touch” mode when recording is on, blocks with touch event are created and vice versa.


Allows you to interact with installed extensions (Activation, Settings, Details, Deletion). It is also possible to install new extensions via crx files.


Web developer tools

Opens the Web Developer Tools window, similar to the one in the Chrome browser. Used for more advanced work with DOM, applications, page traffic.

This window opens for the currently active tab!

View source code

Opens a window with the source code, DOM and text of the page displayed in the active tab of the site. In addition to this window, you can get the DOM, source code and page text using the project environment variables:


Clear cache

Quick access to the functionality of a similar cube - clears the entire browser cache. You can also perform this action using the Clear Cache action.

Clear cookies

Quick access to the functionality of a similar cube - clears all instance cookies. You can also perform this action using the Clear Cookies action.

In ZennoPoster a new action has been added for works with cookies, which allows not only clearing, but also loading and saving cookies in different formats.

Page loading status indicator

Has three states:

  • Done - at full load;

  • Loading - in the process of loading;

  • Reloading - loading data with scripts and plugins.

Current browser type

Displays the type of browser installed for the instance.

You can change the browser type in different ways:

Browser proxy

Displays the current proxy.

And starting from version you can also install a proxy by simply clicking on this button.

You can also install a proxy through the Profile Window, or with a cube “Browser” → “Settings” → “Set proxy”.

Content upload rules

Opens a drop-down list in which checkboxes can be used to mark what type of content should be allowed / denied for loading. The same actions can be performed using the “Project Settings” button → “Browser” or using the “Add Action” cubes → “Browser”“Settings”“Pictures” / “Media” / “Advertising” / “Loading Styles” / “ JavaScript ”/“ Pop-up Blocker ”

For example, for faster resource loading, you can disable images and CSS styles.

Set timeout

Opens a window in which you can set the time in seconds during which ZennoPoster waits for the active tab to be fully loaded. By default, this value is set in ZennoPoster settings. In addition, you can set a timeout through an action “Add action” → “Tabs” → “Settings”

Coordinates of the mouse cursor

Shows the values in pixels for the X and Y coordinates of the mouse. Zero coordinates (0; 0) in the upper left corner of the working area of the window. Used to quickly determine the approximate coordinates of HTML elements on a page.

Context menu

Unlike other browsers, the browser in ProjectMaker has a radically different context menu that can be opened by right-clicking on the working area of the browser window.

Set the value from profile (variable)

These items appear when the context menu is called for a text field.
They allow you to quickly insert text from a profile or from a project variable.

Inspect element

The element tree window and the element properties window will open. There you can study the structure of the document and the parameters of the selected HTML element in more detail. Then we can move it to the action designer to perform any actions on the element (click, set a value, get a value).

Follow the cursor

When you select the "Follow the cursor" mode and move the mouse across the page, a frame will appear around the HTML elements (if it is not turned off in the program settings). And you can check their properties in real time in the corresponding window.

To the action designer

Action Designer and XPath Search

XPath search

The action designer opens with the selected search mode for the HTML element via XPath.

Parse data

Parse data

This is CAPTCHA!

This menu item appears when you call the context menu for an image element. The element is marked as a captcha and the Recognize CAPTCHA action is added to the project.

Create a check for the existence of the selected text

Starting from version and higher - Checking for the existence of text

Before version - Create a check for the existence of selected text

Search by picture

Search by picture

Useful links