

Table of contents


ZennoBox is a feature program with which you can sell your projects to people who do not have ZennoPoster.
In fact, this is ZennoPoster, tied to specific projects that the user will buy from you and (or) from other sellers. This solution is useful if you want to sell your projects to people who are not familiar with the ZP world.

How it works for the buyer

A person buys a project from you, you write out a project in his name in the administrative panel and pay a small commission. This person downloads ZennoBox (free), after installation, he will already have your project that you sold to him loaded.

How to create your project for sale

Lite version is enough for selling projects. The maximum number of threads on which you can run your project in ZennoBox is equal to the maximum number of threads in your ZennoPoster version (Time limit: maximum number of threads for ZennoBox for all projects: 20).

  1. You need to add a static block Input settings to your project and set parameters that the buyers of your project can change.

  2. You need to send your buyer a link to register in our system, if he is not registered yet.

  3. Go to your account in the administrative panel to the Bots tab, and sell him your projects to the e-mail to which your buyer is registered.

  4. After that, your customer can download ZennoBox, which will automatically display the projects sold to him.

You can find detailed instructions on selling bots in the article Selling bots


By selling several projects to one person at the same time, the commission for the second and other projects is greatly reduced.


The commission will be in order to:

  • large projects did not get into public for free;

  • compensation to us for the opportunity to use ZennoPoster without buying it;

  • pay for the maintenance of ProxyChecker servers and bot copy protection systems.

When selling one project

The commission is $ 10 from each sale of one project.

When selling several projects at the same time

If you sell several projects to one person at once, then the second and the following projects will add $ 2 to the total commission cost (example: when selling 5 projects at the same time, the commission will be $ 18 = $ 10 + $ 2 + $ 2 + $ 2 + $ 2).

When selling a project with plugins

If the project contains Plugins, then the commission for it will be $ 12, regardless of the number of nested plugins.


No matter how many bots the customer buys, from you and / or from other people, they will simply be displayed in his program, ready to launch. The client does not need to download anything else.


When updating your project in the admin panel, the user will have it updated automatically.

If you want to sell an update, you will need to create a new project and sell it separately.


Within 30 days, you can make a refund to the balance of your personal account, which were paid as a commission when the template was issued. The buyer, in turn, will lose the ability to use the template.

For instructions on how to make a refund, see Selling Projects.



The number of maximum ZennoBox threads will be limited depending on what version of the program you have:

  • Lite - 1 thread

  • Standart - 5

  • Pro - 20

Simultaneous work with ZennoPoster

You cannot run ZennoPoster and ZennoBox at the same time on the same computer (even under different accounts)! They will conflict with each other!

Hide seller email

When a template is sold from a buyer along the path C:\Documents\ZennoLab\ZennoBox\PurchasedProducts, a directory is created with the seller's email as its default name. If for some reason you do not want to show your email, you can change this behavior in your Personal Account, in the Profile tab.

To do this, select the option “Do not display template seller email”:

After enabling this option, instead of email, the zennolab id will be used, which looks like 45d82355-ft57-98ac-aaaa-9cb010d87qcf9@zennolab.com

To save the changes, you must enter your password in the appropriate field and click the "Save" button

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