API functions to automate the sale of your projects

API functions to automate the sale of your projects

The WebService API is located at: https://userarea.zennolab.com/BotStore.asmx

You can upload your projects at: https://userarea.zennolab.com/en/userarea/Bots.aspx

How to connect WebService to ASP.NET projects see here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d9w023sx(v=vs.90).aspx

How to work with WebService in PHP see here: http://php.net/manual/en/book.soap.php

How to work with WebService in Python see here: https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebServices (SOAP section).

The following functions are currently available:

Getting information about bots loaded in UserArea: GetBotList

Working with bot sales: GetSales, SaleBots, RefundSale, ChangeSubscription

Working with users: GetCurrentCustomerEmail, RegisterCustomer, ResetPassword, GetCustomerBoxLink

Bot management: CreateBot, UploadBotContent


Description :

Gets a list of bots registered in the UserArea.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

Returns :

Array of BotInfo objects

public class BotInfo { // unique identifier of the bot public int Id; // bot name public string Name; // file name public string FileName; // when created public DateTime Created; // when was last updated public DateTime Modified; // your comment public string Comment; // size in bytes public int Size; }


Description :

Receives a list of your sales, sales can be requested for a specific client by specifying his e-mail.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string filterByCustomerEmail - e-mail of the user who was sold to, if you specify an empty string, you will get the entire list of sales

Returns :

Array of SaleInfo objects:

public class SaleInfo { // unique identifier of the sale public int Id; // Date of sale public DateTime SaleDateTime; // customer email public string CustomerEmail; // bots id separated by commas public string Bots; // was there a Refund for this sale public bool HasRefund; // sale is a subscription or not public bool IsSubscription; // when the subscription ends public DateTime? SubscriptionDueDate; // in which products the project can work // 1 - only in ZennoBox, 2 - only in ZennoPoster, 3 - in ZennoBox and ZennoPoster public int ForProducts; }


Description :

Sells the specified bots to the specified buyer.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string customerEmail - customer e-mail

string ids - unique identifiers of your bots, if you need to sell several bots at once, you should specify id separated by commas

bool isSubscription - true if this is a subscription and false if it is a regular sale

int subscriptionDaysCount - the number of days of subscription, if this is a regular sale, then you should specify 0

int forProducts - in which products the project can work 1 - only in ZennoBox, 2 - only in ZennoPoster, 3 - in ZennoBox and ZennoPoster

Returns :

int id of the sale


Description :

Recalls the sale. The bot becomes inoperable for the client.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

int saleId - sale id

Returns :

One of the following lines:

Ok - the operation was successful.

Exception - an internal error has occurred, if the error repeats, you should contact ZennoLab support.

NoSuchSale - You entered an invalid sale id.

NoSuchUser - You specified incorrect authorization data.

RefundTimeout - you are trying to return money for a sale that was made before the acquisition of the Developer license, you can automatically do this only within 30 days, if you need to make a recall of the sale, after 30 days, you can do this only through the interface in the administrative panel, ZennoLab commission will not be refunded.


Description :

Modifies subscription options.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

int saleId - sale id

int addDays - the number of days to renew the subscription, you can specify a negative number, then the subscription period will be reduced

Returns :

One of the following lines:

Ok - the operation was successful.

Exception - an internal error has occurred, if the error persists, you should contact ZennoLab support.

NoSuchSale - You entered an invalid sale id.

NoSuchUser - You specified incorrect authorization data.


Description :

The function allows you to check whether a user is already registered with us or not.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string customerEmail - your customer's e-mail

Returns :

Returns the actual (the user could have changed the registration e-mail) user's e-mail. If the user is not registered, then you will receive a reply nosuchuser@zennolab.com


Description :

Registers the user in the ZennoLab personal account.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string email - your client's e-mail

string lang - the language of your client, can take 2 values ru and en

Returns :

Upon successful registration, you will get a record of the form: "Pass: password", where password is the password of the registered user from the personal account.


Description :

Allows you to change the ZennoLab user password if you registered it via the API.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string email - your client's e-mail

Returns :

If the operation is successful, you will get a record of the form: "Pass: password", where password is the user's password from the personal account.


Description :

Returns a direct ZennoBox download link for your client.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string customerEmail - your customer's e-mail

Returns :

Link like:


where instead of * the latest version and language of ZennoBox available for your client is indicated.


Description :

Registers a new bot in the admin panel, in order to upload the bot after registration, use UploadBotContent.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

string botName - the name of the bot in the admin area

string fileName - the name of the project file that will be created at the client

string comment - Your comment

Returns :

One of the following lines:

Ok: {bot id} - the operation was successful, the id of the created bot is returned.

Exception - an internal error has occurred, if the error persists, you should contact ZennoLab support.

NoSuchUser - You specified incorrect authorization data.


Description :

Uploads new bot content to the admin panel.

Accepts :

string login - Your e-mail to enter userarea.zennolab.com

string password - md5 hash of your password for userarea.zennolab.com

int botId - bot id in the admin panel, the id of your bots can be found using the GetBotList function

string botContent - project content converted to base64 string

string comment - Your comment

Returns :

One of the following lines:

Ok - the operation was successful.

Exception - an internal error has occurred, if the error persists, you should contact ZennoLab support.

NoSuchBot - You entered an invalid bot id.

NoSuchUser - You specified incorrect authorization data.

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