Netscape cookie format
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List of parameters
| Имя | Тип | Описание |
0 | domain | string | Domain of the cookie (e.g., |
1 | isDomain | boolean | Reserved. Not used. However, the value must be specified. |
2 | path | string | The path of the cookie |
3 | secure | boolean | TRUE if the cookie is marked as secure (i.e. its scope is limited to secure channels, usually HTTPS). |
4 | expirationDate | DateTime | Format: You can also specify in Unix format - the number of seconds since |
5 | name | string | The name of the cookie. |
6 | value | string | The value of the cookie. |
7* | httpOnly | boolean | TRUE if the cookie is marked as HttpOnly (i.e. the cookie is not available for client scripts). The default value is FALSE. |
8* | session | boolean | TRUE if the cookie is marked as a session cookie (i.e. the cookie will be deleted after the browser is closed). The default value is FALSE. |
9** | sameSite | enum | The status of the cookie on the same site (i.e. whether the cookie is sent with cross-site requests). Values: |
10*** | priority | enum | Sets the procedure for deleting cookies when the storage is full. Values: |
Values with asterisks can be omitted. Values with the same number of asterisks must be specified together (i.e. when specifying the HttpOnly parameter, the value of the session parameter must also be specified).
Example for import TRUE / TRUE cookie-name-1 cookie-value-1 TRUE TRUE None Strict TRUE / TRUE 01/01/2023 00:00:00 cookie-name-2 cookie-value-2 TRUE FALSE TRUE / TRUE 01/01/2024 00:00:00 cookie-name-3 cookie-value-3
The parameters should be separated by a tab character (\t). Each cookie is separated by EOL (end of line - \r\n)