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This tab contains the settings of the conditions, upon the occurrence of which the project will stop execution.

Success count

The project will stop execution after the number of times is successfully executed in this setting.

By default: -1 (minus one; infinitely) - Do not take into account the progress.

Maximum threshold count for consecutive failures

The project will stop execution after it is completed with the error specified in this setting the number of times in a row.

The counter failure in a row is reset after the template will be successful at least once.
In the default project table, the "Number of failures in a row" column is turned off, but you can turn it on. How to do this is described in the article Table of Projects.

By default: -1 (minus one; infinitely) - Do not take into account failures in a row.

Execution timeout (seconds)

Time set for one project execution. If, after this time, the project has not completed the work, then it will be interrupted, no matter where the template is now being executed.

You have a template and you know that it is running, about 6-8 minutes.You can set up 600 seconds to the "Execution timeout" setting (10 minutes, with a slight stock).
And if suddenly the template for some reason hung in the middle of work, then after 600 seconds after the start of execution, it will be interrupted.

Execute Badend when aborting project

If this setting is enabled and you interrupted the project using the corresponding button or has been achieved by the execution timeout (described by paragraph above), then the project execution will turn on BadEnd.

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BadEnd (executes when an error occurs in the project)
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