Работа с FTP

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ZennoPoster has built-in capabilities for working with FTP resources. The program allows you to automatically upload files to an FTP server, create and delete directories, and perform other FTP operations. This is convenient, for example, if the project data files you are working with are stored on an FTP server.

To add an FTP action to a project, use the FTP action group.

First add an FTP Connection , an icon of the created connection will appear in the static blocks panel.

Configure connection parameters:

Connection name - a unique name for the connection, used to identify the connection used in the action. Any unique name can be used as the name.

Transfer Protocol - Standard FTP transfer protocols:

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard protocol for transferring files;

  • FTPs (File Transfer Protocol + SSL, or FTP / SSL) - secure file transfer protocol;

  • sFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for file operations over a reliable and secure connection.

Server - FTP server name (for example: myftpserver.com ). This parameter is required. Any kind of address is allowed.

Port - FTP connection port, required parameter. The default is 21 .

Login and Password - authorization parameters for connection. Optional parameters, if these parameters are not specified and the server supports connection without authorization, the connection will be established.

Proxy - it is possible to use without a proxy or with a proxy of the project, as well as use the specified proxy for this connection.

After setting up a connection, you can work with files and directories on the FTP server.

To upload files, choose the FTP Files action. Configure the file paths on the server and local computer in the action properties.

To work with directories, choose the FTP Directories action. Set paths to directories on the server and on the local computer in the action properties.