What is ZennoProxyChecker?

What is ZennoProxyChecker?


ZennoProxyChecker is a software product designed to load proxies, store them, automatically recheck them and provide them in different ways in accordance with flexible criteria.

ZennoProxyChecker allows you to:

  1. Store proxy sources and it is convenient to work with them.

  2. Load new proxies from sources into the repository at a specified frequency.

  3. Set filters for all sources and for each separately.

  4. Flexibly configure proxy check for each source.

  5. Issue verified proxies in different ways and in accordance with the rules.

Key features

Adding a proxy

Proxy can be added in various ways: both manually, by directly inserting proxy addresses, and automatically, when the program itself searches for and collects (parses) proxy addresses from web pages or local files with proxy lists.


ProxyChecker can check proxies by about 20 parameters, filtering out dangerous ones and choosing the best and fastest ones. In addition, the program can check for URLs, selecting proxies to work with the necessary web resources.


The program allows you to configure several channels for issuing proxies, so that proxies with different parameters are provided to different templates. Proxy lists can also be saved to local files and uploaded to network resources, issuing fresh proxies at regular intervals.

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