Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

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Tables are used to obtain more complexly organized data than lists (for example, a list of products for an online store, where different data are presented line by line: name, price, description, etc.).

The action is used both when working with Tables and with Google Sheets, but Google Sheets has several unique actions, which are described in the article Google Sheets Operations.


How to add a table to a project?


Before getting started, you need to create a Table or Google Sheets .


How to add an action to a project?


Put the values of the given column into a list


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We set a column or variable.

  4. A list into which we put all the column values.


Put all column B values from Table 1 into List 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing

The specified column values are not removed after processing

List 1


Get lines

Receiving a string with the ability to delete from the table and write to the list, variables.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. String criteria (you can specify a variable):
    a) All
    b) Does not contain text
    c) Not matching regular expression
    d) First
    e) By numbers
    f) Random
    g) Contains text
    h) Matching regex

  4. Remove after getting.

  5. Place the result to a list or variables.


Take random rows from Table 1 and put into variables with deletion.

Table 1

Before processing

After processing


The variable peremennay_3 is empty because the table contains only columns A and B


Put values from the list into the given column.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We set a column or variable.

  4. List with values.


Take values from list 1 and put in column D of table 1

List 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing

Values are not removed from the list


Add line

Add a line to the table.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. Insert static text or variable.

  4. Important note

The line will be added to the end of the table



Add a line of your text to different columns.

Table 1

Before processing

After processing


Add text to a specific cell.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We set static coordinates of the cell or through variables.

  4. Insert static text or variable.


Add text and specified cell

Table 1

Before processing

After processing

Lines are always appended to the end of the table


How many columns does the table have


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. The variable to get the result.

The variable will always contain only a digital value


Get the number of columns of Table 1 into a variable

Contents of Table 1

We get the result into the column_count variable


How many lines does the table contain


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. The variable to get the result.

The variable will always contain only a digital value


Get the number of rows of Table 1 into a variable

Contents of Table 1

We get the result into the line_count variable


This action should be used when the file path is not known at the time of the template start and will be calculated only during project execution.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. Select a file or specify a variable containing the path to the file.

  4. If the file is missing in the specified path, Zennoposter will automatically create it.


Bind table 1 to a given file

Table 1 will be linked to the corresponding file


Get values from a given cell


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We set static coordinates of the cell or through variables.

  4. Variable for the result.


Get into a variable the value from cell B2 of table 1

Table 1 content

After executing the action, we get the result into the yacheika variable


Sort table elements in descending or ascending order.


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. Zennoposter will automatically detect the columns containing values and offer a choice.

  4. Use the principle as for numbers (this option will work if the column contains only integer values. If there are fractional numbers, then the column will be sorted according to the principle of rows).

  5. We set the type of sorting in descending or ascending order .


Sort in descending order the values of all columns of table 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing


Saving a table to a file during project execution


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. Select a file or specify a variable containing the path to the file.


The function has the option to only overwrite the file


Save table 1 values to a file

Table 1 content

After execution, all values will be written to the file


Removing duplicate values in tables


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. Zennoposter will automatically detect the columns containing values and offer a choice.


Remove all takes in table 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing


Removes the specified table column entirely


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We set a column or variable.


The column will be deleted with all values


Remove column B from table 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing


Removes the given rows in all columns


  1. We select the table with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. String criteria (you can specify a variable):
    a) All
    b) Not containing text
    c) Not matching regex
    d) First
    e) By numbers (numbering from zero!)
    f) Random
    g) Containing text
    h) Containing only space symbols
    i) Matching regex


The given row will be deleted in all columns


Remove the third line from table 1

Table 1

Before processing

After processing

The third line has been deleted entirely


Collect from the pages the name of the desired products in the list and add them from the list to the table for further use


  1. Loading pages.

  2. We collect the necessary values into a list.

  3. We create a table.

  4. Add an action and specify the function to add a list.

  5. We indicate the list and the column in which we will save the values.


  1. Table

  2. Google Sheets

  3. List

  4. List processing

  5. Project variables

  6. Regular Expression Tester

  7. Value ranges