List processing

List processing

Table of contents


Lists are mainly used to get lines of data from a text document or data records to a file. For example, you have a file with a list of URLs and you need to access them one by one, or you parse some values from the site and need to sort them, delete duplicates and save them to a file (for example, parsed e-mail addresses).

How to add a list to a project?

Before starting work, you need to create a List .

How to add an action to a project?

Via the context menu Add actionListsList processing

Or use smart search .

What is it used for?

  • Adding and Retrieving List Items

  • Removing lines and takes

  • Linking to a file

  • Getting the number of lines

  • Mixing

  • Sorting values

How to work with an action?

Select a sublist

Select part of the lines from the list.

  1. We select the list with which we will work.

  2. We indicate the function.

  3. We indicate where the result will be saved.

  4. Sublist filtering method
    a) Range - set the interval of lines to be selected.
    b) Elements without text - will select all lines that do not contain the specified text, you can use variables.
    c) Elements that do not match the regular expression are - search criteria using the regular expression.
    d) Elements containing text - will select values that contain the required text, you can use variables.
    e) Elements matching a regular expression are search criteria using a regular expression.

  5. This field specifies the value corresponding to the item from step 4.

  6. Lines that match the search criteria will be deleted.

  7. If the list is empty, Zennoposter will follow the red line.

We take the first five lines from the list (numbering from zero!) And save them to list 2

List 1

Before processing

After working off

List 2

Add data from the list

Adding data from one list to another.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. We indicate where the lines will be wrapped from.

  4. In which position the result is placed - go back to the start , go to the end , to position.

  5. If you have chosen to position, then indicate the line number or variable.

The lines are copied but not removed from the specified list.

Add lines from list 2 to the end of list 1

List 2

List 1

Before processing

After processing

Add line

Adding a line to the list.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. We introduce a value or a variable.

  4. In which position the result is placed - go back to the start , go to the end , to position.

  5. If you have chosen to position, then indicate the line number or variable.

Put the value at the end of list 1

List 1

Before processing

After processing

Add text

Adding text to the list.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. The text or character set to add to the list, you can specify a variable.

  4. In which position the result is placed - go back to the start , go to the end , to position.

  5. Add blank lines if there is no text.

Add text to list 1

List 1

Before processing

After processing

Merge list items

Combining list items with a delimiter and the ability to write to a variable.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Line separator
    a) New line - each element of the list will be written on a new line.
    b) Custom - specify your text or characters that will be inserted between the lines.
    c) Specified in the list - the separator from the list settings is used.

  4. Variable for writing data after processing.

Shuffle elements of the list

Arrangement of items in the list in random order.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

Get the number of lines

Getting the number of lines in the list.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Search criteria (you can specify a variable):
    a) All
    b) Not containing text
    c) Not matching regex
    d) With value
    e) Containing text
    f) Matching regex

  4. Variable for writing data after processing.

Get line

Getting a line with the ability to remove it from the list and write it to a variable.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Line criteria (you can specify a variable):
    a) Does not contain text
    b) Not matching regex
    c) First
    d) By number
    e) Random
    f) Matching regex

  4. Delete line after taking

  5. Put to variable.

Bind to the file

Linking the list to a file during project execution.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Select a file or specify a variable containing the path to the file.

  4. If the file is missing in the specified path, Zennoposter will automatically create it.


Sort the list items in descending or ascending order.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Use the principle like numbers.

  4. We set the type of sorting in descending or ascending order .

Save to file

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Set the separator (you can use variables):
    a) New line
    b) Custom
    c) Specified in the list

  4. Select a file or specify a variable containing the path to the file.

  5. The checkbox allows you to write new data to the file or overwrite it completely.

Remove duplicates

Removing duplicate lines in the list.

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

Delete lines

Removing lines from a list with specified criteria

  1. Choose a list with which we will work

  2. Installing the function.

  3. Criteria for deleting lines (you can use variables):
    a) All
    b) Not containing text
    c) Not matching regex
    d) First
    e) By numbers ( ranges can be used)
    f) With value
    g) Containing text
    h) Containing only space symbols
    i) Matching regex


Usage example

Let's imagine that you need to go through all the pages from the list, collect their names and put them in another list.

  1. Create a List _1 with pages having previously linked it to the file.

  2. We remove duplicates so as not to go to the page twice.

  3. Create and link to the List _2.

  4. Parse the necessary information from the pages to List _2.

  5. Delete duplicates.

Thus, you can generate lists of necessary information for further processing or use.

Useful links

  1. Variable window

  2. Regular Expression Tester

  3. List

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