Main menu

Main menu

Table of contents


Using this menu, you can manage projects - add and remove, start and stop, set the number of attempts, configure the Task Manager and the built-in ProxyChecker.

Quick Access Toolbar

You can add buttons here for quick access to them. Even if you minimize the main menu with buttons, this panel will still be displayed.
By default, the buttons Add a new project, Run and Stop ProxyChecker threads (proxy collection and check are enabled at startup) and Network Monitor are displayed here.

How to add new buttons here will be described below.

Using the arrow on the right side of this panel, you can hide / show elements without deleting them.

Settings and Projects Tabs

Here you can switch from the projects window to ZennoPoster and built-in ProxyChecker settings.



With this button you can add the project (s) to the program. Once added, they will appear in the