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Captcha - it is an automatically generated test to check if the user is a human or a computer. It is often a garbled lettering of letters and / or numbers. They can be written in a variety of color combinations using noise, warping, overlaying additional lines, or arbitrary shapes.
The image below shows some examples of captchas:
There are also other types where you need not just enter characters from the picture, but perform some action - find buses, palm trees, cars and other objects; recognize the puzzle; arrange items in a certain order or sort them.
Examples of such captchas are Recaptcha, Funcaptcha, hCaptcha, etc.
What is it used for?
These services are designed to avoid entering captchas manually.
ZennoPoster allows you to recognize captchas yourself (if we are talking about simple text captchas), for this, in the captcha recognition action, you just need to select the MonkeyEnter.dll module. But this can be a tedious task when it comes to hundreds or even thousands of captchas! And if the project works around the clock and the captcha can appear at any time? This is where services come to our aid.
How to open this window?
Through the top menu Edit => Settings => Captcha.
Through the Start Page
Settings => ZennoPoster Settings => Captchas
Settings window appearance
How to connect?
The secret key
Most often, to work with the service, you need a so-called API key - a unique string of random characters, thanks to which the service can identify you. An example of such a key -8fc9b30e544885b8480fb590dfcbdd71
To get an API key, go to the site of the appropriate service. Check out the prices and conditions. If you have made your choice, go through a simple registration in the service and get your API key in the personal account of the captcha service.
Login and password
Some services, instead of the API key, use the login and password that were used during registration to identify the user.
More options
URL address for receiving API requests. Installed by default. If it is not installed, then it must be checked with the developers of the selected service.
Do not change the value of this field unnecessarily!
After entering the API key or the login/password pair, your current balance on the service will appear in this field.
Also, errors may be displayed in this field (not for all services). For example - IP_BANNED, ERROR_WRONG_USER_KEY, etc.
If after entering the API key this field remains empty, then some kind of error has occurred. Possible options - the wrong key was entered (login/password pair), there is a problem with the service, your key has been banned.
Available services
CapMonster Cloud - Recommended - Does not work anymore - Doesn't work anymore - Doesn't work anymore - Doesn't work anymore
Adding a new module
Added in
For simple text captchas only.
Starting from ZennoPoster you can add your own captcha recognition service based on the API of popular services.
To do this, go to the Settings page and select the Add your service item.
You will see a window for entering the data of the new service:
Module name
Here you need to specify the name of your module.
Max: 20 symbols.
Here you need to select the API on the basis of which your module will be created.
API key from the service.
Same as the Default Services Secret Key field (described above).
The URL where requests will be sent.
If you are not sure what to enter in a field, check with your service provider.
Sending captchas to your module
After adding a module, you can select it in the Recognize captcha action.
Removing a module
To remove the created module from the program, you need to delete two files:
- here you need to insert the name of your user in the operating system
It is better to turn off ZennoPoster and ProjectMaker when deleting these files.
Useful links