ZennoPoster (03.06.2024)

New features:

[+] Chromium is updated to version 125.
[+] Added support for IPv4 proxy with text host, not just IP.
[+] The ability to create regular expressions without additional fields has been added to the proxy parsing constructor; such an expression must contain named groups Host, Port and optionally Login, Pass.
[+] Added a new regular expression that supports parsing any proxy. Proxies are identified using a login and password. Also, the login and password are displayed in the live proxy table.
[+] Improved saving and loading of proxies.
[+] Improved anonymity of the Chromium browser.
[+] Added the option “Recover ZennoPoster if it falls” (Program Settings → “Other”). By default, the item is enabled. In this case, the ZennoLab.ProcessTracker process is launched, which restores ZennoPoster if it crashes. If the item is disabled, the process does not start. Changing the item requires restarting the program.


Fixed bugs:

[*] Fixed input of the dot character "." for the Keyboard Emulation action in the Chromium browser.
[*] Fixed the formation of the Speech Voice list for profiles with Windows OS and Google Chrome or Edge browser.
[*] Now, when searching in the ZennoPoster log, the found results are not cut off, but displayed in full.

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